Library news

" "  Digitise your family history

Do you have old VHS tapes, negatives, slides and photographs with treasured family memories that are sitting around, unable to be viewed?

" "  Members can access major newpapers online

NewsBank consolidates current and archived information from thousands of newspaper titles, as well as newswires, web editions, blogs, videos, broadcast transcripts, business journals, periodicals, government documents and other publications.

" "  Download the Waverley Library mobile app!

We are excited to have available the Waverley Library App available for both Apple and Android devices, giving you access to library services from your smart device, 24/7.

" "  Waverley Library is on Facebook!

Follow and like us today!
Using facebook you will have quick access to all the latest information about what’s happening in the library, including news and events.

" "  Free film streaming is available

Kanopy on-demand film streaming service is available for free to Waverley Library members.

" "  Robotics and electronic kits now available!

We have a range of robotics and electronic kits for you to borrow from the Children's Library.
Check out our Bee-Bot, Ozobot and Makey Makey kits that will inspire you to play invent, design and experiment in new exciting ways.

" "  Need help with technology?

Our free Tech Help service provides basic one-on-one training to library members.

" "  Enjoy our free public Wi-Fi at Waverley Library!

Users have a download limit of 512MB and a time limit of 3 hours in a day (24 hours from midnight). Once this limit is reached users will need to wait until after midnight when limits are reset

 Get involved at your favourite local library

We are looking for dedicated volunteers with great tech skills to help others with their computers, tablets and mobiles.

" "  iPads for loan

Are you thinking of buying an iPad of your own? Would you like to try out our emagazine and ebook collections? You can register to borrow one from the library for a 3 week loan period.