Heritage Items

Heritage places contribute to our local area's history, character and identity.

Waverley Council is required to maintain a list of local heritage items under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. These places are considered important for historic, aesthetic, social or technical values.

How do I find out if a property is heritage listed?

Local Heritage items are individual places considered to be significant or important to our local area while Heritage Conservation Areas (also known as ‘Urban’ or ‘Landscape’ Conservation Areas) are suburbs or areas which are considered to be collectively significant. These have been identified by Waverley Council and are listed under Schedule 5 of the Waverley Local Environmental Plan 2012 (LEP). To find out whether a property has been locally listed, please refer directly to Schedule 5 which can be accessed via the NSW Legislation website.

Alternatively, you can download Waverley Council’s heritage maps.

State Registered items are places considered to be significant to the state of New South Wales as determined by the NSW Heritage Council.  There are 15 places in Waverley which are State Registered.

National Listed items are considered to demonstrate significance to Australia and are included in the National Heritage List. This is maintained by the Department of Environment and Energy (Federal Government). More information and the entire list can be found on the Department’s website.

Bondi Beach was added to the National Heritage List on 25 January 2008.

Centennial Park which borders Waverley Council was added on 3 October 2018.

Where do I find more information Waverley’s heritage places?

You can find out more information about state and local registered places via the NSW Heritage Division State Heritage Inventory. This allows you to search for any place throughout New South Wales that has been identified and added to a heritage register. Please note the list for Waverley Council is not exhaustive at this time, however the full list can be viewed on the NSW Legislation website.

You can find out more about the history of Waverley and identification of heritage places throughout the local government area in the following documents:

If you require further information or assistance in locating details about a heritage listed place, please contact Anne McGoverne, Strategic Planner (Heritage), on 9083 8117 or anne.mcgoverne@waverley.nsw.gov.au