Small Grants Program

Small Grants Programs

Council awards a number of small grants annually to individuals and community groups that contribute to Waverley’s community.

If you are working on a project that will benefit the local community, environment or streets and need some help, Waverley’s Small Grants Program might be an option for getting the support you need.

Take a look at projects Council funded in 2023-24.


Note: If your proposal involves a garden on public land, email If you’re seeking subsidised use of Council facilities, see Venue Hire Grants.


How to apply

Council uses the popular SmartyGrants online system to manage applications and reporting. If you have used SmartyGrants to apply for another grant, you can use the same login to view and manage all your grant applications.

Things to consider before applying

If your proposal is successful, Council will request photos illustrating your project to share with the broader community.

Ensure that you have obtained individual confirmation from people in your photos using our photo release form. If photos feature a child, you will need consent from the parent or guardian using this photo release form.

If an organisation has confirmed with attendees that photos may be used for promotion, then the organisation can sign.

If your application is successful, you must agree to the following terms and conditions:

  1. Use the funding in line with Council's grant conditions and for the purpose stated in my application within 12 months, or make an application for a variation and/or extension.
  2. Accept Council’s guidelines and any special conditions that may be specified in the letter of offer.
  3. Appropriately acknowledge Council’s support in promotional material and other information relating to the project. A guideline on use of Council's logo will be provided.
  4. Keep us informed of progress on your project and send an invitation to any associated opening or launch to
  5. Complete a short evaluation report provided by Council within a month of completion of your project. Your report must include:
    1. A financial statement with evidence of project expenditure;
    2. A brief case study outlining project results, who was involved, achieved project measures (as specified in this application) and photos or videos that Council may use to promote awareness of community achievements under the Small Grants Program; and
    3. Completed permission to publish forms, as provided by Council for people featured in photos and videos.
  6. Return any unspent funds exceeding $100 to Council.

Find out more about small grants available below.

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We've made finding available grants simple with Grants Guru. You can filter and search a range of grants from public and private entities that could support your projects.

Grants Guru

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