
Recipient: RePlated

Amount received: $3500

About the project

RePlated, with the support of Plastic free Bronte conducted a trial program to demonstrate the feasibility of a reusable takeaway system to reduce the use of use plastic takeaway containers.

Seven takeaway restaurants in the Bronte and Charing Cross area, joined the trial and received a starter kit of special RePlated reusable containers.

The RePlated meal containers are similar to a regular take away box in size, but are made from ‘certified ocean bound plastic’, so they are recycled and are also recyclable. They are Australian designed and made in Sydney. Participants bought their own containers, then took them along to the participating restaurants and swapped the empty container for the one containing their food order.

Approximately 30 meals per week were served in RePlated containers between June 2021 to May 2022, equating to 1,560 single-use containers being diverted from use.

It is estimated that this reduced waste by 44kg and saved 285kg of CO2.

Despite the challenges of running this project during covid, the customer feedback about the project was overwhelmingly positive. Customers reported very high levels of satisfaction with the ‘swap and wash’ container system and it was seen to increase customer loyalty.

Head to the RePlated website for a full list of participating restaurants

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