Services directory and resources for families
This directory includes a range of services and support available to families, parents and children in Waverley and the Eastern Suburbs.
- In an emergency, call triple zero (000).
- If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact 106 Text Emergency Relay Service – dial 106.
- If you need an interpreter, contact the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) on 131 450.
- Autism Spectrum Australia (ASPECT) – call 1800 277 328.
- Reimagine Australia – call 9873 2593.
- Lifestart Early Childhood Intervention support – call 1800 953 390.
- Australian Dental Association NSW
- NSW Health Oral Health
- Southern Eastern Dental Clinic – free dental care for all people aged under 18 years. Call 1300 134 226, Monday to Friday for more information.
Browse a range of national, state and local services available to victims of domestic and family violence below.
- 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) – national domestic family and sexual violence counselling service.
- NSW Domestic Violence Line – 24/7 advice, emergency accommodation, referral and support. Call 1800 65 64 63.
- Link2Home – emergency accommodation, 24/7. Call 1800 152 152.
- Jewish House – support for children and their families through JH Kids. Call 9386 0770.
- Bondi Beach Cottage –offers counselling and case management for women and children subjected to domestic and family violence, generalist counselling, information and referral to specialist supports. Free childcare may be available. Call 9365 1607.
- Deli Women & Children’s Centre – offers domestic violence and generalist counselling, case work, parenting advice and support, playgroups, information and referral, workshops and education. Call 9667 4664.
- Jewish Care – assists adults and children through specialist casework, counselling, crisis support, safety planning and support for de-escalating conflict and behaviour change to empower clients to foster healthier and respectful relationships. Call 1300 133 660.
- Lokahi Foundation – empowers female victim-survivors of domestic and family abuse through the provision of on-the-ground specialised advice and support, including ongoing case management helping women to regain their independence and freedom. Call 0451 800 562.
- Staying Home Leaving Violence – program that works in cooperation with police to remove the violent partner. Call 0439 414 673.
- LawAcess NSW – legal advice.
- Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Services (WDVCAS) – legal advice.
- Men’s Referral Service – call 1300 766 491.
- Department of Communities and Justice – information for Aboriginal women.
- ACON – information for individuals from the LGBTIQA+ community.
- Department of Home Affairs – information for victims of domestic violence on visas.
- Ageing and Disability Abuse Helpline – call 1800 628 221.
- Sexual Assault Counselling Service – RPA Hospital service that offers specialised counselling around domestic and family violence and help with case management needs. Call 9515 9040.
- Domestic Violence Liaison Officers (DVLO) – each Police Area Command has a DVLO who is specially trained to deal with domestic and family violence and child protection. Ask to speak with the DVLO if your concern is not an emergency.
Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command | |
Bondi | 9365 9699 |
Rose Bay | 9362 6399 |
Waverley | 9369 9899 |
Eastern Beaches Police Area Command | |
Maroubra | 9349 9299 |
- For more information and resources, visit Housing & homelessness.
- Eastern Suburbs Child and Family Health Locations
- Child & Family Health Nursing Service – 1-4 week checks for new parents in the Eastern Suburbs, call 1300 244 288.
- Speech Pathology Australia – find a speech pathologist.
- Local speech pathology services: Randwick Children’s Hospital and Early Start Australia, Bondi Junction.
- Early Education Centres and Family Day Care in Waverley.
- The Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority (ACECQA)
- Starting Blocks – find all in-area early education and before and after school care services, and access resources.
- NSW Public School Finder – find public schools in your area.
- My School – find non-government and government schools.
- Lifeline – 24/7 counselling, call 131 114.
- MensLine – 24/7 counselling, call 1300 78 99 78.
- Breastfeeding Helpline – 24/7 service, call 1800 686 268.
- Parentline – service available from 9am–9pm, Monday to Friday and 4pm–9pm on weekends. Call 1300 1300 52.
- Red Nose Grief and Loss services – counselling for people who have experienced the death of a baby or child. Call 1300 308 307.
- Child Protection Helpline – call 132 111 if you think a child is at risk of abuse, open 24/7.
- NSW Mental Health Line – call 1800 011 511.
- Pregnancy, Birth & Baby Helpline – service available every day from 7am–midnight, call 1800 882 436.
- Pregnancy, Birth & Baby – comprehensive information, health advice, resources and referral information for new and expectant parents.
- Raising Children Network – parenting information that encompasses pregnancy, newborns and the stages of child and adolescent development.
- Support for Fathers – online workshops, information and resources.
- Centre of Perinatal Excellence – offers support for the emotional challenges of becoming a parent and provides specific resources for mothers, fathers and partners.
- Setting Boundaries with Love – this webinar explores practical strategies for balancing guidance with empathy, fostering mutual respect and empowering your child to thrive.
For more information, advice and referral, and to subscribe to Waverley Family Support e-news, email Stella Despinidis at
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