Days of significance

National Reconciliation Week

National Reconciliation Week begins on the 27th of May each year, marking the anniversary of the 1967 referendum. The outcome of the1967 referendum resulted in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people gaining the right to vote and be counted in the census. The final day of Reconciliation week marks the anniversary of the outcome of the Mabo legal case on the 3rd of June 1992. The MaboCase was successful in overturning the myth that at the time of colonisation Australia was ‘terra nullius’ or land belonging to no one.

National Reconciliation Week 2024- 'Now More Than Ever’

National Reconciliation Week embodies Waverley Council's commitment to understanding, respecting, and preserving Aboriginal culture and heritage within our community. This year, we had the privilege of collaborating with Waverley College on a Reconciliation Week art project in acknowledgement of this year’s theme, ‘Now More Than Ever’. Students of Waverley College’s Walawaani program worked together across several weeks to create a beautiful street banner in response to this years theme. The banners will feature along Campbell Parade at Bondi Beach and Birrell Street in Waverley until the 3rd of June. The students artwork will be publicly exhibited in the Waverley Library Gallery from the 28 July- 22 August.


NAIDOC stands for 'National Aboriginies and Islanders Day Observance Committee'. The origin of the week can be traced to the emergence of Aboriginal activism groups in the 1920′s who sought to increase awareness in the wider community of the status and treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

NAIDOC is a celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and an opportunity to recognise the contributions of First Nations people in various fields. Activities and events take place all across the nation during NAIDOC WeekThis external link will open in a new window and all Australians are encouraged to participate. This week of significance falls in the month of July each year.

Discover more about our upcoming NAIDOC Week events and secure your spot through the links below:

Sorry Day

Sorry Day marks the anniversary of the Bringing Them Home report and it's presentation to Parliament on the 26th of May 1997. This report formally acknowledged the policies practiced by previous Governments from the late 1800's- 1970's which resulted in the forcible removal of thousands of Aboriginal children from their families and communities. Sorry Day takes place on the 26th of May every year.

Days of Significance

  • The Apology, 13th February - anniversary of the former Prime Minister Kevin Rudd's Apology to Australia's Indigenous People's.
  • Harmony Day, 21st March- International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
  • National Close The Gap Day- 21st March- campaign for Indigenous health equality
  • Sorry Day 26th May- commemorating the Stolen Generation
  • Reconciliation Week- 27th May-3rd June- marking two significant historical events, the 1967 Referendum (27th May 1967) and the Mabo decision 3rd June 1992
  • NAIDOC week 1st-8th July- Celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culture, history, and achievements.
  • National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day- 4th August- a celebration of children
Need more information? Contact:

Community Worker Multicultural
Phone: 9083 8923