Disability inclusion

Support and resources

Council encourages and promotes an inclusive community where people with disability can participate in community life.

Waverley’s Disability Inclusion Action Plan (DIAP) details the actions Council is taking to improve the way people with disability access services and participate in community life. It is based around four key outcome areas that improve physical access, participation, engagement, employment and inclusion of people of all abilities.

The objectives of the DIAP are to ensure that:

  • Council values and supports inclusive attitudes and behaviours across Council and the community;
  • People with disability have opportunities to live independent lives in their community and to connect, engage and make choices about the services they access;
  • All new Council assets, buildings and open spaces are designed to be accessible, and Council proactively manages the built environment to meet our diverse community needs now and, in the future;
  • The community is a place where people can move around easily and can access services, facilities and participate in community life;
  • People with disability have access to meaningful employment; and
  • Council is aware of and responsive to the needs of people with disability.

Council is committed to engaging with people with lived experience, carers and allies, so it can plan for and better meet the needs of people with disability. The Access and Inclusion Advisory Panel provides lived experience advice.

  • Explore our programs, initiatives and support for people with disability below.
  • Access an Easy Read version of the DIAP here.
  • View Council’s Inclusive Play Space Study, which supports Council’s Play Space Strategy 2014-2029 and provides guidance on access, inclusion and equity when Council plans and designs new play spaces.
  • For information about facilities, including how to get around, visit our park pages and venue pages.

Need assistance?

Contact Council’s Community Development Officer – Access and Inclusion
Email: aiap@waverley.nsw.gov.au
Phone: 9083 8928