Volunteering in Waverley

Living area with kids toys

More than six million Australians volunteer each year, and within Waverley more than 16% of residents commit time to contribute to their community. Volunteers of all ages, abilities and cultural backgrounds contribute by:

  • Supporting and improving community services;
  • Protecting and improving our physical environment;
  • Improving local cultural events, activities and programs; and
  • Strengthening community connections.

There are dozens of rewarding volunteering opportunities in the Waverley area. Some are facilitated by Council while others are run by community organisations and groups. View Council’s Volunteer Policy and explore opportunities across Waverley below.

Waverley Council programs

  • Second Nature – A community program to make sustainability second nature in Waverley. Volunteers assist with events, program development and environmental engagement activities such as gardening at Waverley Cemetery and Waverley Repair Café. Find like-minded community groups, organisations and initiatives that Waverley partners with.
  • Bushcare – Help improve the quality of bushland areas, maintain a healthy coast and provide habitats for local wildlife. Volunteers assist with planting, weeding and mulching across five sites in Waverley.
  • The Mill Hill 60+ program – Get fit, meet people and participate in community life. Volunteers assist with everything from craft and exercise activities to helping out with morning tea.
  • Public Gardening – Volunteers maintain gardens in public spaces, enlivening unused areas and building a sense of community. Council supports a number of shared garden teams who are always looking for new members.
  • Waverley Library – Volunteers assist with a range of programs and activities, including Tech Help, Local Studies and general library assistance. Students completing community service as part of the Duke of Edinburgh Award can also volunteer.
  • Community Justice of the Peace – Waverley Council offers a Justice of the Peace service at two locations. Volunteers must be a registered Justice of the Peace and a member of the NSW Justices Association.
  • Arts & Culture – Waverley is at the heart of arts and culture in the eastern suburbs with theatre, music, markets, galleries, studios, talks, festivals and events scheduled throughout the year. Volunteers support annual events within this program across various sites in Waverley.
  • Council Events – Volunteers help to ensure the success of a wide variety of Council activities and events throughout the year.
  • Children and Family Services - Contribute at one of Council's four Early Education Centers or Family Day Care service, providing high-quality early education and care programs.

Local community organisations, groups and initiatives

The volunteer opportunities below are listed in alphabetical order.


Do you manage or know of a community volunteer group in the Waverley area that is not listed here? Email us to register your groups' details with Council for inclusion on this page. Groups must be not-for-profit and local to the Waverley area or for the benefit of the Waverley community.


Local community organisations, groups and initiativesSpecial guest speaker and founder of OzHarvest, Ronni Kahn AO, at National Volunteer Week 2024

National Volunteer Week

National Volunteer Week takes place annually in May and celebrates our collective power to drive change and ensure volunteering is inclusive of all members of the Australian community. The 2024 theme was ‘Something for Everyone’, showcasing the vast spectrum of volunteering possibilities and the transformative impact that takes place when everyone finds their meaningful role in making a difference.

National Volunteer Week

Waverley Volunteer Expo

Waverley Council hosts a Volunteer Expo every two years to celebrate and showcase volunteer organisations and volunteering opportunities available in the community. These events are the perfect opportunity for community members to connect with and learn about the array of volunteer organisations and community groups that provide and support volunteers.

Find out what’s happening in Waverley by browsing our Events. To stay in the loop about upcoming events and opportunities, subscribe to the Waverley Weekly.

For more information, email connected@waverley.nsw.gov.au or call 9083 8916.

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For more information or help with ideas, email connected@waverley.nsw.gov.au or call 9083 8916.

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