How to get help?

You do not deserve to be abused. You did not ask for it. You are not alone.

  1. If you, or someone you love is in immediate danger, call 000
  2. If you, or someone you love suspects something is not quite right but needs help to talk, get information and understand risks and plan for safety, call the national domestic, family and sexual violence counselling, information and support service 1800RESPECT
  3. If you need legal advice call LawAccess or the Womens Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service
  4. If you need emergency accommodation or assistance accessing supports NSW Domestic Violence Line 1800 65 64 63
  5. If you need an interpreter, contact the Telephone Interpreter Service (TIS) 131 450
  6. If you have a hearing or speech impairment, contact 106 Text Emergency Relay Service - dial 106
  7. Child Protection Helpline 132 111

More contacts can be found here

[Reference: Bondi Beach Cottage Women’s Counselling Manual].

There is help in the Waverley local area. Our specialist DFV services are:

  • Bondi Beach Cottage 9365 1607
    Counselling and case management for women and children subjected to domestic and family violence, generalist counselling, information and referral to specialist supports. Free child care may be available.
  • Deli Women & Children’s Centre 9667 4664
    Domestic violence counselling, generalist counselling, case work, parenting advice and support, playgroups, information and referral, workshops and education.
  • Jewish Care1300 133 660
    Assists adults and children through specialist casework, counselling, crisis support, safety planning and support for de-escalating conflict and behaviour change to empower clients to foster healthier and respectful relationships.
  • Lokahi Foundation 0451 800 562
    Empowering female victim-survivors of domestic and family abuse through the provision of on-the-ground specialised advice and support, including ongoing case management helping them to regain their independence and freedom - physically, emotionally, practically, and financially.
  • Staying Home Leaving Violence 0439 414 673
    Program works in cooperation with police to remove the violent partner
  • Sexual Assault Counselling Service(RPA Hospital)  9515 9040
  • Domestic violence liaison - each Police Area Command has Domestic Violence Liaison Officers (DVLO) who are specially trained to deal with domestic and family violence and child protection. Ask to speak with the DVLO if your concern is not an emergency.
Eastern Suburbs Police Area Command Eastern Beaches Police Area Command
  Bondi 9365 9699 Maroubra 9349 9299
  Rose Bay 9362 6399   
  Waverley 9369 9899