Audit, Risk & Improvement Committee (ARIC)

Council has established the Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee (ARIC) in accordance with the Office of Local Government’s Risk Management and Internal Audit for Local Government in NSW.


To provide independent assistance to Council by monitoring, reviewing and providing advice on governance processes, risk management and control frameworks, and external accountability obligations.

The ARIC is supported by an internal audit function and together they are one mechanism Council uses to ensure its internal controls and management approaches are adequate and effective for the management of risk across the organisation.


The ARIC is advisory only and has no decision-making powers. The ARIC makes recommendations to management.


Four voting members: three external independent members, one of whom must be the chair, and one Councillor member, other than the Mayor.

The current external independent members are John Gordon (Chair), Sheridan Dudley and Elizabeth Gavey. Their terms expire in September 2027, August 2027 and December 2025 respectively.

The current councillor member is Councillor Joshua Spicer. Cr Spicer's term ends on 15 September 2026.

The General Manager, Directors, the internal and external auditors and relevant Executive Managers attend meetings as non-voting invitees.

Councillors who are not committee members may attend meetings as observers.


Council appoints an external independent member as the Chair of the ARIC.

Meeting days and times

The ARIC meets at least four times a year, generally on the fourth Thursday of the month.

Agendas and Minutes

Agendas are not publicly available.

Once the minutes of a meeting have been confirmed by the ARIC, they are submitted to Council for noting and placed on Council’s website.

Public participation

Meetings of the ARIC are not open to the public.

Meeting live stream

Meetings of the ARIC are not live streamed.

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