Traffic Committee

The Traffic Committee (TC) is a committee of Council that operates under guidelines from Transport for NSW (TfNSW), an agency of the NSW Government. The Committee's Charter is based on these guidelines.


To improve traffic planning, management and co-ordination in Waverley.

The Committee makes recommendations and provides advice to Council on the technical aspects of proposals to regulate traffic and parking on local roads in Waverley.


The Committee is advisory only and has no decision-making powers. Recommendations of the Committee must be adopted by Council before they can be implemented.


Five voting members, comprising one representative of Council (Mayor, Councillor or employee of Council); one representative of the NSW Police; one representative of Transport for NSW; and the State Members for Coogee and Vaucluse (or their nominees).

Non-voting advisors such as Councillors, Council officers and representatives from government agencies and other organisations may also attend.


Council has appointed Councillor Dov Frazer as the chair of the committee. If Councillor Frazer is unable to chair the meeting the deputy chair, Councillor Joshua Spicer, will chair the meeting.

Meeting days and times

The Committee meets on the fourth Thursday of each month at 10.00 am. Meetings are generally held by video conference.

Agendas and minutes

Agendas are available on Council’s website from 12 pm on the Friday before the meeting.

Minutes are available on Council’s website approximately two weeks after the meeting, when they are issued in the agenda of the Council meeting at which they are submitted for adoption.

Public participation

Committee meetings are not open to the public. However, members of the public can email submissions to and they will be forwarded to the Committee members. If you have a general traffic enquiry or request, please contact us via

Meeting live stream

Committee meetings are not live streamed.