Report tree vandalism

Waverley Council recognises the value of trees and vegetation in our Local Government Area and the need to protect them from vandalism and damage. Vandalism of trees and vegetation undermines Council’s targets to increase the urban canopy cover, preserve and enhance remnant bushland, and provide habitat for local native fauna.

Vandalism is the unlawful destruction, damage or injury to trees and/or vegetation through methods including, but not limited to, poisoning, pruning, cutting, washing of chemicals, ringbarking or removal and excavation or altering of soil levels. It also includes the wounding or damage of trees, tree roots or vegetation through breakage or fixing objects using nails, wires, staples or similar fastening materials.

There are strict rules that govern when trees can be pruned or removed:

  1. For trees on private land, review the requirements and contact Council if you believe an applicable tree is being pruned or removed without a permit.
  2. For trees on public land, no citizen can prune or remove a tree or plant of any size and there are heavy penalties for doing so. If you witness vandalism of a public tree, call Council immediately.