Transport vision

Waverley's People, Movement and Places transport vision was released in 2017 and maps out Councils’ plan to improve local streetscapes, making it safer and more enjoyable to move around the neighbourhood.

Council’s vision prioritises pedestrians, bike riders, public transport users, service vehicles (e.g. deliveries) and shared mobility (e.g. car share). The prioritisation of green modes of transport is not only for environmental reasons, but aims to give residents access to cheaper modes of transport and recognises that Waverley has the second highest population density of any LGA in Australia (ABS), in an area constrained by historic land use.

The vision outlines 12 signature projects requiring 96 short, medium and long-term actions to be taken by 2030. The signature projects are summarised below:

  1. Better streetscapes: Based around the notion of a ‘complete street’, actions include reducing speed limits, removing slip lanes and footpath improvements.
  2. Cycling strategy: Separated cycleways, including connections to regional routes are a priority, with the Bondi Junction Cycleway already complete. Bike parking, route planning and road repair are also factors.
  3. Bondi Junction interchange: Council advocates working with the NSW Government to overhaul this vital bus/train hub that is used by over 3 million people a year. Key aims include improving accessibility, bus prioritisation and providing bike parking.
  4. Bondi Road corridor: Improving the flow of public transport on this key arterial between the Junction and the beach, considering options such as priority lanes and extended no-stopping times.
  5. Walking strategy: Prioritising pedestrians is a hallmark of the plan and includes actions such as ensuring all paths are accessible, pedestrians are prioritised at crossings, and enough street spaces are allocated for both moving and standing pedestrians.
  6. Smart Cities mobility: Mobility-as-a-Service (MaaS) is being encouraged through share bikes and car share. Council will also investigate more elaborate solutions designed to be delivered in partnership with the NSW Government such as a shuttle bus between the Junction and beach.
  7. Schools active travel: Increasing school commuting via walking or cycling would improve local traffic conditions. Actions to facilitate this transport mode switch include providing safer routes, combined drop-off facilities and assisting high school students travelling out of the area.
  8. Shared and electric vehicles: Council facilitates the infrastructure and policies that govern the use of car and bike share in the LGA, including the approval of new car share pods. Council also delivers EV charging facilities and requires they be factored into new developments.
  9. Charing Cross: Council is delivering a plan to prioritise walking, cycling and bus use by diverting car traffic to Carrington Road, and revitalising the streetscape of this school-heavy neighbourhood.
  10. Bondi Junction: ‘Complete streets’ works have been progressively delivered since 2014 to improve the CBD, with further actions focussed on car park entry, vehicle access from Syd Einfeld Drive and reconfiguring several intersections.
  11. Bondi Beach: Council intends to pursue 12 actions to improve people movement and streetscapes in the area, particularly on Campbell Parade, bus and cycle routes, and larger projects such as the forthcoming Bus Terminus Upgrade.
  12. Smart parking management: Making it easier to park reduces the number of cars cruising for parking, which alleviates congestion. Whilst car use is still de-prioritised in the broader plan, actions include dynamic car park guidance, new off-street facilities, and a review of the permit system.

Read the full Waverley's People, Movement and Places final summary.

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