Electric vehicles

Transport in Waverley is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, making up approximately 20% of community emissions. Electric vehicles (EV) and other electric transport modes, such as e-bikes, provide a pathway to decarbonise the transport sector when powered by renewable energy.

Council supports and encourages the uptake and use of EVs to help meet our community greenhouse gas emission reduction target of Net Zero by 2035, while also reducing, noise and air pollution. Council’s Electric Vehicle Transportation Policy guides Council actions and decisions on electric vehicles.

Eastern Suburbs EV Infrastructure Strategy

In 2023, Waverley, Woollahra and Randwick Councils published Leading the Charge: Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy , outlining the vision and infrastructure required to meet growing numbers of EVs on our roads.

As of April 2024, there were 3,606 EVs across Waverley, Woollahra, and Randwick. By 2025, it is projected that this number will increase to 10,000, with more than 35,000 local EVs by 2030 (this excludes EV drivers visiting from other areas).

To cater for this demand, we estimate 450 charging ports are needed by 2025 across the region: 230 in Randwick, 120 in Waverley and 100 in Woollahra. The chargers will be funded through government, residential and private sector investment, with the type of chargers installed determined by the average length of stay and surrounding urban form. Rapid to ultra-fast charging will be the focus for regional centres (e.g. on main roads and service stations), medium to fast charging at key destinations where people visit for up to four hours (e.g., shopping centres) and slower charging near high density areas for long stay and overnight charging (e.g. chargers at home, workplaces and on the street at kerbside and street carparking locations).

ChargEast – the Eastern Suburbs public EV charging network

The installation of chargers in different locations across Waverley, Woollahra and Randwick Councils has taken place in a number of phases.

Chargers that have been installed can be found via PlugShare.

Phase 1: Establishment of the ChargEast Network (2019-2023)

In 2019, the 3-Councils were the first in NSW to establish ‘Charging the East’, a network of Council owned public charging stations, comprising of 16 public AC charging stations and 4 public DC chargers. This network of chargers, located in carparks, shopping centres and on-street, has grown in popularity with over 1,300 charging sessions per month in March 2023.

Phase 2: Street pole charging trial (2023-2024)

As charging technology develops, the 3-Councils are exploring a variety of new EV charging initiatives to increase the availability of public EV charging.

In December 2021, the 3-Councils were selected to be part of an Australian first pilot of street pole charging, led by Intellihub with funding from the Australian Government Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).

In 2023, the locations for the trial were carefully chosen to maximise usage and community benefit. They have been subject to extensive community and internal consultation with over 1700 responses received from the local community of which 75% were supportive. Approved street pole chargers are now being installed across the region.

Phase 3: Expansion of the ChargEast Network (2024-2025)

Over the next 18 months, Waverley, Woollahra and Randwick Council plan to install 45 additional charging ports. Information will continue to be updated here as developments and expansion of the charging network takes place.


Yes. The charge stations allow for universal charging, meaning they will be accessible to all electric vehicle makes and models.

The 3-Councils are primarily installing and facilitating the installation of 7-22 kW AC chargers on kerbsides and street poles. These chargers require drivers to bring their own Type 2 cables (readily available online or from EV dealers) and follow instructions on the station and via the ChargeFox App.

The charge stations are powered by 100% renewable energy.

Electric vehicle charging spaces are for electric vehicles only while charging, meaning the only vehicles which can park there are electric vehicles which are plugged in. Non-electric vehicles (or electric vehicles not charging) parked in these spaces could incur a fine. Charging is demonstrated by the charging cable being connected from the vehicle to the charge station.

Electric vehicle drivers need to adhere to any parking restrictions that apply at that location. If you encounter a vehicle parked in a space which is prohibiting EVs to park and charge, you can report it to Council.

Electric vehicles will typically accept between 7 and 11 kW of charging from AC chargers (check your electric vehicle’s specifications to find your AC charge rate). An electric vehicle charging at 11 kW will gain around 60 km of range per hour.

For prices, please refer to PlugShare.

Charging station locations are selected to maximise usage and community benefit. Some of the following factors are considered when selecting sites:

  • Access to nearby beaches, parks and shops.
  • Proximity of apartment buildings or dwellings without off-street parking.
  • Availability of electrical infrastructure (such as suitable wooden power poles), parking spaces, lighting and footpath space.
  • Locations of other public charging stations.

The number of electric vehicles on our roads is rapidly increasing as EV adoption becomes mainstream. While most charging will occur at home or in the workplace, many residents in the Eastern Suburbs live in apartments or houses without off-street parking. Therefore, many Eastern Suburbs residents, as well as visitors and essential vehicle users like delivery or carshare drivers, will increasingly rely on public EV chargers.

In August 2021, Randwick, Waverley and Woollahra Councils undertook a community survey to seek feedback on Council’s role and proposed locations for EV charging across the Eastern Suburbs. Most respondents (86%) were supportive of councils providing or facilitating more public EV charging stations for the community, with 8% opposed and 6% unsure.

To learn more about installing EV charging in apartment buildings please see this webinar.

Electric vehicle information and resources

Council works with industry experts and peak bodies to provide resources, information, and educational tools to help residents learn about electric vehicles.

Click on the below links to find out more: