Keeping our beaches clean

There are four water systems in Waverley:

Residents can keep waterways clean in four simple ways:

  • Only flush the 3Ps - pee, poo and toilet paper. Do not flush wipes, paper towel, hair, tissues, cotton buds, fat, oils or grease. See Sydney WaterThis external link will open in a new window for more information.
  • Stormwater is for rainwater only. Do not allow any chemical or sediment to run into stormwater drains as they will pollute our coast or Centennial Park ponds.
  • Pick up and dispose of pet waste in a public place bin or red household waste bin. Pet droppings are a key pollutant in Sydney Harbour and our coasts.
  • Sediment from construction sites must be managed to prevent it from entering waterways, with significant penalties for non-compliance. See Erosion & sediment control.


Raingardens are stormwater treatment systems, designed to capture and filter run-off from hard surfaces such as driveways, roofs and roads and increase infiltration. They look like regular gardens, but beneath the plants are ground layers which remove pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus and fertilisers. Council has already installed four large raingardens in Bondi Junction which filter stormwater before it reaches the Centennial Parklands.

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