Managing our coast

Many people live along or near the cliffs and beaches of Waverley, and council has strategies to protect our coastal environments from natural and urban impacts, as well as coastal risks and hazards including:

  • Erosion - the wearing away of the land by the action of natural forces.
  • Coastal or tidal inundation - the flooding of coastal lands by ocean waters, which is generally caused by large waves and elevated water levels associated with severe storms and the peak of the high tide.
  • Geotechnical instability - cliff or slope instability.

In the coming decades Waverley’s coasts and beaches are likely to experience increases in development, population and visitation. At the same time, climate change will increase the intensity and frequency of storms and cause sea levels to rise, which is likely to increase coastal erosion. These factors will impact coastal assets (both natural and manmade), water quality, local biodiversity and amenity, and place increasing pressures on Council resources for management.

To conserve and protect our coastal systems for our community to continue to enjoy, Council is developing a Coastal Management Program in accordance with the NSW Coastal Management Act 2016 to support the protection and enhancement of our coastal assets.

Waverley also has a Coastal Risk Management Policy which identifies high risk areas of inundation and geotechnical instability. If you are building or renovating along a cliff-line and are concerned about policies that may affect your development, email

For further information, see Flood planning.