Physical collections

Physical collections

With over 150,000 books and subscriptions to a variety of magazines and newspapers, you’ll never run out of amazing content to entertain, inspire and educate.

Search the library’s collection, manage loans and reserve items using the online catalogue.

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Waverley Library has something for everyone – all the latest releases, classic novels, short stories, genre fiction (such as mystery, romance, westerns, science fiction), graphic novels and comics, best sellers and non-fiction titles in all subject areas. Many titles are also available in large print.

The library has all the latest editions of textbooks and study notes in its HSC Collection, and a large collection of approved readings for students that have signed up for the Premier's Reading Challenge.

Titles are held in a variety of community languages including Russian and Chinese. Waverley Library can borrow books from the State Library of NSW Multicultural Service if you require a language that is not available – complete this online form to access this service.


Want to read something that the library doesn’t have in its collection? Request a title and help Waverley Library build a stronger collection.



Waverley Library has magazines on a variety of subjects. You can catch up on recent issues by browsing the shelves in the library or access the online collection. Find out which hard copy journals are stocked by searching the catalogue.


Relax in one of the library’s comfortable chairs and read daily, local and weekend newspapers, in English and other languages. Alternatively, you can access newspapers online.

Waverley Library has a wealth of resources that can be accessed online. Find out more about the library’s digital collection, research databases and learning resources in Digital library.

DVDs and CDs

The library has a range of DVDs, including TV series, classics, world movies and documentaries, and a CD collection covering a wide range of music. Find DVDs and CDs by searching the catalogue.


iPads are available on a three-week loan period to library members. To borrow one, see staff at the Adult Library Desk with your library card and photo ID.

Consul gaming

Waverley Library has a range of Nintendo Switch and Playstation 5 console games available for members to loan. There is a limit of one per customer with one renewal. Find games by searching the catalogue.  

Library of things

Waverley Library has four pairs of Celestron Nature DX 10x42 Binoculars available for loan, which offer high-quality optics for nature observation. Find out more and reserve them here.

Two induction cooktops are also available for loan. Find out more and reserve them here.

Library catalogue

Library catalogue

Search the library’s collection and manage loans and reservations.

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