Photo gallery

When the beach is your Workplace

This photo gallery, of Waverley Council Lifeguards, has been created as part of the Lifeguard History Project. This project is on-going. If you have photos relating to the Lifeguard service which you would like to donate, or lend to us for copying, we would love to hear from you.

Copyright in all images is held either by Waverley Council or individual contributors. If you would like a copy of one of the photos, or to use these photo gallery images in any way, please contact the Local Studies Librarian by email:

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Stan McDonald and early beach flags, Bondi 1920s  
Stan McDonald and early beach flags, Bondi 1920s

Beach Inspectors in their new uniforms Bondi Beach late 1930s

Beach Inspector & bikini girl cartoon 1955

Bill "the whale" Willis, children & sea snake c. 1960s Bill Willis, Aud Laidlaw, Brian Davidson known as the 3 musketeers, c. 1960s

Lifeguard & bikini girl cartoon 1961

Bill "the whale" Willis stars on the Beach Inspector's dinner program

Beach Inspectors tell topless bathers to leave Bondi 1972Brian Davidson oiling the surf reel

Roger Riley - Bondi Lifeguard

 Dennis (Dinny) Brown 1st WC Lifeguard and his wife and daughters

Lifeguard Brian Davidson demonstrating a rescue

 Roger Riley - Bondi Lifeguard Lifeguards and piper honour Stan McDonald 1965 Stan McDonald 2nd WC Lifeguard

New Lifeguard Tower, February 1975

 Peter Moscatt, Lifeguard, footballer and eventually Mayor of Waverley Beach Inspector cloth badge
 Three Lifeguards in white uniforms 1990s

Lifeguards with a logie for Bondi Rescue 2008

Lifeguards 2006-2007

 Lifeguards 2007-2008 Lifeguards 2008-2009


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