Yvonne Jayawardena - Independent (1987 – 1991)

Yvonne served on Waverley Council for four years as an Independent candidate. She was also a highly celebrated nurse, health researcher and political candidate.

Throughout her career Yvonne was an activist for health, equality and the Australian Democrats. Candidate for Vaucluse in 1991, for the House of Representatives, Wentworth in 1984 and 1987, and Councillor for Waverley Municipal Council from 1987-91. Yvonne marched alongside Juanita Neilson and Jack Mondey in support of ‘green bans’ in the early 1970’s and addressed rallies on land tax. She was a representative to Council for the Vaucluse-Waverley North ratepayers and residents association for nearly twenty years.

At the time of her state campaign for the seat of Vaucluse (1991) Yvonne was a widow, with one son, and was working as a researcher in health services at the University of New South Wales. She had previously had a career in nursing care and health administration, and had been awarded the Queen’s silver medal for nursing. She was particularly opposed to discrimination on the grounds of race, sex or religion, and was in favour of increased participation by citizens in the decisions that affected their lives. She was a keen environmentalist. While a councillor, she served on the NSW executive of Australian Local Government Women’s Assosciation.

After her time in Council, she has continued to take an interest in public affairs and made numerous submissions to Senate committees of enquiry.