Application forms & certificates

Browse common applications, permits and certificates related to planning and development. For more information on the Development Application process, click here.


Processing times are estimates and subject to change without notice.


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Seeking information about a property

The items below are listed in alphabetical order.

  • Building Information Certificate – processing times vary depending on complexity, but allow at least 4 weeks.

    Buyers or sellers of a property can use this process to check there is not regulatory action pending from Council, particularly if there is a concern there may have been unapproved works. Apply via the NSW Planning Portal, including Council’s application form. More information.
  • Request For Flood Level Information – allow 1 week for processing

    Where available, 5% AEP, 1% AEP and PMF flood level information will be supplied for a particular property. Apply by submitting the PDF application form directly to Council.
  • Section 10.7 Planning Certificate – allow 1 business day for processing

    Council can provide information about planning controls or property issues relating to any piece of land within the Local Government Area. Apply online or read more information.
  • Section 603 Rating Certificate – allow 2 weeks for processing

    Council can provide information about outstanding rates, charges and debts payable to Council in relation to a property. Apply online or read more information.
  • Section 735A & 121ZP Outstanding Notices or Orders – allow 1 week for processing

    For strata titled buildings (generally apartment buildings), Council can provide information on outstanding health or fire notes/orders. Apply online.

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Seeking permission to do development works

The items below are listed in the order most customers would require them.

  • Complying Development Certificate – allow at least 4 weeks for processing

    Complying Development is small scale, low impact development that does not qualify as Exempt Development. Apply via the NSW Planning Portal. More information.
  • Pre-Development Application – processing time varies based on complexity of development, but minimum 6 weeks

    A pre-development application allows the resident to obtain an opinion on a proposal before lodging a formal Development Application. A Pre-Development Application will generally be regarding a significant development such as a multi-dwelling or new mixed use building. Apply by submitting the PDF application form directly to Council. Read more information.
  • Pre-Lodgement Planning Proposal – processing time varies based on complexity of development, but minimum 6 weeks

    If a Development Application would not be possible under the existing planning rules (the Local Environment Plan or Development Control Plan), a resident can submit a Pre-Lodgement Planning Proposal to get Council feedback on the proposal before submitting a Development Application. Apply by submitting the PDF application form directly to Council.
  • Heritage Exemption Certificate – allow 4 weeks for processing

    Even though a property may have heritage protections, certain minor works can be excluded from requiring a Development Application. For more information and to apply, visit Heritage & Design.
  • Swimming Pool Inspection and Barrier Exemptions

    For further information, see Swimming Pools.
  • Application To Modify a Development Consent (Section 4.55) – processing time varies based on complexity of development, but minimum 6 weeks

    ‘Conditions of consent’ are the outcome of the Development Application process and details what needs to be done to comply with the approval. If a resident wishes to make modifications to works approved under a development consent or is dissatisfied with a condition of the consent, an Application to Modify a Development Consent is made. To apply, a PDF form is submitted via the NSW Planning Portal. More information.
  • Application To Review a Determination of a Development Consent (Section 8.2) – processing time varies based on complexity of development, but minimum 6 weeks

    If a resident disagrees with the outcome of their Development Application (or their Application to Modify a Development Consent), they can request Council to review it. To request the review, a PDF form is submitted via the NSW Planning Portal. More information.
  • Subdivision Certificate – processing time varies based on complexity of development, but minimum 6 weeks

    Apply for a Subdivision Certificate prior to seeking the registration of a Subdivision Plan with NSW Land Registry Services (formally Land Property Information NSW). In most cases, you will need to obtain Development Consent (and comply with the relevant conditions of consent) before Council can issue a Subdivision Certificate. More information.
  • Application To Surrender a Consent – allow 1 week for processing

    This form is used to voluntarily surrender a development consent under Section 4.63, which essentially means Council will cancel an approval for either development or the use of a site/property. Apply via the PDF application form and submit directly to Council.
  • Construction Certificate – allow at least 4 weeks for processing

    After a Development Application (DA) is approved, a Construction Certificate is needed before building can begin. Apply via the NSW Planning Portal. More information.
  • Intention to commence work – 1 business day

    Once the Principal Certifier of a development has accepted their appointment in the NSW Planning Portal, the next step is to advise Council that works will commence. This is also done via the NSW Planning Portal. Login, navigate to active projects and select the ‘Actions’ pull-down menu, and then ‘intention to commence work’. Fill out the form and works can commence 24 hours later unless otherwise advised by Council or the Principal Certifier.
  • Occupation Certificate – allow a minimum of 4 weeks for processing

    An Occupation Certificate essentially marks the conclusion of the development process, allowing the resident / business to begin to use the new or renovated property. More information.

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Seeking permission to do development works that impact public spaces

The items below are listed in alphabetical order. Utilise the Public Domain Technical Manual to guide the reinstatement of any public property impacted by the works.

  • Civil Works & Engineering Plan Assessment/Stormwater Assessment – Processing time varies depending on the complexity of the application, but it will take a minimum of 2 weeks.

    This application is for the assessment of stormwater works as part of a Development Application or Construction Certificate, as well as the assessment of any civil works in public areas. Apply by submitting the PDF application directly to Council.
  • Compliance Certificate Issuance and/or Additional Site Inspections – allow 2 weeks for processing

    When works are done in a public area, a Compliance Certificate is required whereby Council confirms all works have been done to standard. Apply via submitting the PDF application directly to Council.
  • Construction Zone Permit – allow 6 weeks for processing

    If works require using a public space along the kerb of 9m or more, for a period of 13 weeks or more, a Construction Zone Permit is required. This type of permit is for developments that have a significant amount of equipment and building materials coming in and out of the site or otherwise do not have space onsite to accommodate required construction vehicles. Construction zones also support efficient construction of developments, given high demand for kerb space in the Waverley LGA. Public Liability Insurance of minimum $20m plus a Traffic Guidance Scheme is required. Apply online.

    Note: Use of special purpose vehicles and equipment on public land such as mobile cranes, concrete boom pumps/line pumps, scissor lifts, or cherry pickers require an additional permit called ‘Occupy/Close a Public Road or Footway’. See below.
  • Driveway Works on Council Land – allow 2 weeks for processing

    This application is to seek permission for a private contractor to construct a vehicle crossing (driveway) from a private property to the road.  Apply by submitting the PDF application directly to Council.
  • Lodge a Utilities Notification – allow 1 week for processing

    Council permission is required to do any work on utility infrastructure on public land, including connecting utilities to a new or renovated property. For telecommunications, a Land Access and Activity Notice (LAAN) is required to be uploaded during the application process. Apply online.
  • Occupation of Council Footpath – allow 2 weeks for processing

    Council authorisation is required when construction or other works will impact a footpath, such as the erection of hoarding or scaffolding, or the storage of building materials. Refer to the Hoarding and Scaffolding Guidelines and apply via the PDF application form which is submitted directly to Council.

    For construction impacts that will go beyond the footpath, use the ‘Occupy/Close a Public Road or Footway’ application detailed below.
  • Occupy/Close a Public Road or Footway – allow 2 weeks for processing

    If construction works require the occupation of a parking lane, road lane, cycleway, footpath, or open space, a permit is required. Common reasons for needing this permit include the use of boom or line concrete pump, cherry picker, scissor or boom lift or a mobile crane. Public Liability Insurance of minimum $20m, a Traffic Guidance Scheme or Traffic Management Plan plus a NSW Police Notification is generally required. Apply online.
  • Road Opening Permit (Contractor) – allow minimum 7 working days for processing (or minimum 5 working days if urgent option is selected)

    If there is a requirement to dig up a road, footpath or nature strip (typically trenching for services connection, maintenance or rehabilitation), a permit is required. Common purposes for this permit include electrical, gas, potable water connection, stormwater or telecommunication works. A minimum of $20 million Public Liability is required. Apply online.
  • Stand a Skip Bin / Container / Storage Unit on Public Road – allow 2 weeks for processing (or 1 week if express fee is paid)

    The applicant can pay a fee to temporarily house a bin or storage unit in a roadside parking space, regardless of whether the spot is metered or subject to a residential permit area. Apply via submitting the PDF application directly to Council. If there are more elaborate construction impacts on public land such as needing to use a cherry picker or mobile crane, use the Occupy/Close a Public Road or Footway application instead (see above).
  • Temporary Dewatering – allow 2 weeks for processing

    This permit is to pump rainwater out of a construction site into the stormwater. Apply via submitting the PDF application form directly to Council.
  • Temporary Ground Anchor – allow 2 weeks for processing

    Developments that include deep excavation will typically utilise ground anchors to secure the site during construction. If a ground anchor is required on Council land (e.g. footpath, road reserve), permission is required. Apply via submitting the PDF application form directly to Council. Note if a state or regional road is impacted, permission must be sought from Transport for NSW.
  • Tradesperson Residential Parking – allow 2 business days for processing

    A 7-day permit for a trade vehicle to park in a Resident Parking Scheme area i.e. areas with street parking restrictions where the signage that says, ‘permit holders exempt’. Application must be made by the resident. Apply online or read more information.

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Assessments related to Development Applications

The items below are listed in alphabetical order.

  • Construction Traffic Management Plan – allow 2 weeks for processing

    This application is for the review of Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMP) in association with approved Development Applications. Apply by submitting the PDF application directly to Council.
  • Legal Documentation Authorisation – Processing time varies depending on the complexity of the application, but it will take a minimum of 2 weeks.

    This form is to accompany the Assessment of Legal Documents for Positive Covenant and Restriction on the Use of Land. Submit the PDF application directly to Council.

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Seeking permission for or requesting minor works

The items below are listed in alphabetical order.

  • Change of street number and/or address – allow 2 weeks for processing

    In the rare instance a property’s street address is the subject of confusion (e.g. corner property, property with multiple frontages), the resident can apply to change the address to provide clarity. Apply via submitting the PDF application form directly to Council.
  • Driveway Linemarking – allow up to 8 weeks for processing

    Driveway linemarking refers to painted lines on the road that draw attention to a driveway exit. Only Council can install linemarkings. Residents can request driveway linemarkings by submitting the PDF application to Council.
  • Driveway Works on Council Land – allow 2 weeks for processing

    A driveway application is required for new, modified or the reconstruction of driveways between a property and the road. Apply via submitting the PDF application directly to Council.
  • Install, Construct or Alter an On-Site Sewage Management Facility – allow 2 weeks for processing

    On-site sewage such as the use of septic or aerated tanks require a permission by submitting the PDF application and accompanying documentation directly to Council.
  • Plant a verge garden – allow 2 weeks for processing

    To plant a garden on the Council strip of land in front of their property, residents can apply to create a verge garden. Read the guidelines and submit the PDF form direct to Council. More information.

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Hospitality & event matters

The items below are listed in alphabetical order.

  • Application for Footpath Seating – allow at least 6 weeks for processing

    Hospitality venues wanting to get permission for outdoor dining (or renew their approval), need to submit a PDF application directly to Council.
  • Occupy Metered (Ticket) Car Parking Spaces – allow 2 weeks for processing

    If metered car park/s need to be occupied for a short amount of time (e.g. parking film trucks), an applicant can pay to utilise the spot/s at a daily or weekly rate. Apply via submitting the PDF application directly to Council. Note this permit cannot be used for construction related matters, rather the applicant should apply to ‘Occupy/Close a Public Road or Footway’ (details above).

Use Council’s online portal to apply for any of the below certificates or permits:

  • S10.7 Planning Certificate
  • S603 Rating Certificate
  • S735A & 121ZP Outstanding Notices or Orders
  • Heritage Exemption Certificate
  • Road Opening Permit
  • Occupy/Close a Public Road or Footway Permit
  • Construction Zone Permit
  • Lodge a Utilities Notification

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