Construction Certificate

After a Development Application (DA) is approved, a Construction Certificate is needed before building can begin. A Construction Certificate certifies that the construction plans and specifications comply with the Building Code of Australia (BCA) and other relevant standards, the development consent and conditions, and that all necessary fees have been paid.

Council or a Private Certifier may issue a Construction Certificate.


Apply via the NSW Planning Portal adhering to Council’s Electronic Lodgement Guidelines. Applicants are encouraged to review the Construction Certificate Information Sheet .


Before you commence approved construction works, you must also Appoint a Principal Certifier and an Intention to commence work. See the Applications and certificates page for more information.

Other documentation common at the construction stage of development includes:

Use Council’s online portal to apply for any of the below certificates or permits:

  • S10.7 Planning Certificate
  • S603 Rating Certificate
  • S735A & 121ZP Outstanding Notices or Orders
  • Heritage Exemption Certificate
  • Road Opening Permit
  • Occupy/Close a Public Road or Footway Permit
  • Construction Zone Permit
  • Lodge a Utilities Notification

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