Are there any additional requirements that must be met for premises on which food is manufactured?

The Food Act 2003 and the regulations under the Act may contain additional requirements in relation to premises on which food is manufactured. For example, the Food Act 2003 requires all food businesses to comply with the Food Standards Code as published by the Food Standards Australia New Zealand.

All food businesses, including home-based food manufacturers, must comply with the relevant parts of the Food Standards Code. For more information, refer to the NSW Food Authority website.

Additionally, the Food Standards Code specifies that notification must be provided to Council before a food business commences operation. This applies to food businesses that sell directly to the final customer (e.g. from the premises or from a market). Refer to the Food Business Registration Form available on Council’s website or contact Council’s Environmental Health Team on (02) 9083 8109.

When a food business does not retail food directly to the customer (i.e. sale to another party such as a café or restaurant to on-sell), notification of the business and food activity must be provided to the NSW Food Authority. The NSW Food Authority carries out an inspection program across food industries, which is generally limited to higher risk operations such as businesses that produce ready-to-eat, potentially hazardous foods. Whether a home-based food manufacturing business falls within the inspection program is determined on an individual basis by the NSW Food Authority.