Waverley Local Planning Panel (WLPP)

If you wish to view the public meeting (and not address the WLPP) you DO NOT need to register, you can instead simply view the meeting live on Council’s Youtube page while the public meeting is in session.

Supplementary Minutes           
Audio recordings26          
Declarations of Interest26          

Agendas: Meeting agendas, including reports, can be viewed on this website from the Wednesday afternoon prior to the meeting.

Minutes: Meeting minutes should be available on this webpage within 2 days after the Panel meeting.

About the Waverley Local Planning Panel

What is the Waverley Local Planning Panel?

The Waverley Local Planning Panel determines significant DAs (as defined by the criteria set by the Minister) in the Waverley LGA. This includes DAs such as new Residential Flat Buildings, the demolition of a heritage item, development which has a significant number of unique objections, a departure to a statutory development standard greater than 10%, applications proposing a planning agreement or an identified conflict of interest.

The Panel is made up of a pool of planning experts, independent of Council, who meet monthly. Councillors are no longer be involved in the decision-making process for determining those DAs, allowing them more time to focus on strategic planning issues, such as the planning controls that underpin DA decisions.

Panel members

The Panel members are independent of Council. Each Panel will consist of a specialist from the disciplines of Architecture, Urban Design, Town Planning, Heritage and Planning Law as well as elected community representatives.  The Panel members will be introduced at the meeting. Panel members are rotated each month from a pool of selected experts.

How does the Local Planning Panel work?

The applicant and those who provided a submission to the Development Application will be invited to attend the Panel meeting and register to address the panel members at the public meeting.

A public meeting is not required for all matters to be determined by the Panel. The Panel can determine the applications electronically through the circulation of agenda papers. No public (i.e. applicants, objectors, councillors etc) will be allowed to participate in the discussion with the Panel members for those items. Such items include those with no submissions or a matter that was deferred by the Panel for additional information or amendments.

The report on the DA is prepared by Council staff for consideration and includes a full assessment of the proposal, the objections made and a recommendation. Prior to the formal meeting, Panel members have read the assessment report and submissions on the agenda.

The formal meeting typically begins between 11am – 12noon. The Panel Chairperson opens the meeting and introduces the Panel members. The order of business is set out in the agenda. Copies of the agenda are available from this web page.

The quorum for a meeting of the Panel is three members. Council staff will attend to provide technical advice on Council’s controls or answer questions if required.  As each item is referred to, the objectors are invited to speak for three minutes. The applicant will then be invited to respond. The Panel members may ask questions of the addressees.

Speakers should bear in mind that the Panel members have had the report and submissions for a few days before the meeting and it is not necessary to repeat information that has been provided in the report.

Once all the registered speakers have addressed the Panel on the item, the Panel will move to the next item on the agenda and continue to receive speakers until all items on the agenda have been heard. The meeting will then officially close and the Panel will move to a closed session to deliberate and determine each item. Members of the public will not be able to participate in this part of the meeting.

Minutes of the meeting will generally be available for viewing from Council’s website within 2 days of the meeting.

Addressing the Panel

If you wish to address the Panel regarding an item on the agenda, you must first register with the Panel Coordinator by 3pm the Monday prior to the meeting. To register, please email WLPP@waverley.nsw.gov.au. Registrations MUST be in writing and will not be accepted via phone.

You must already have lodged a written submission on the Development Application (DA) you wish to address. Unless the Panel otherwise permits, no resident, objector, applicant or supporter may speak for more than 3 minutes in respect of any one matter. A person is not entitled to be legally represented at any meeting of the Panel unless the Chair grants permission in any particular case. If you address the Panel, your name will be included in the minutes of the meeting.

Should you wish to provide additional information that is not covered by your initial submission or in the assessment report, Council will accept additional written submissions and correspondence sent via email to WLPP@waverley.nsw.gov.au by 3pm the Monday before the meeting which will be provided to the Panel for consideration.

Amended plans or additional information will not be accepted after the report has been published, unless the documentation is seeking to satisfy a condition of consent recommended by the report.

Speakers for each agenda item will be limited to:

  • 1 speaker for the applicant and
  • 3 speakers who provided a submission to the DA. If there are more than 3 speakers that register an interest to address the Panel in the online meeting, the Chair will determine who those accepted speakers are. Typically these will be those most affected by the proposal. Where common issues are shared between objectors, is it recommended that one person register to speak on behalf of those parties. The Chair has discretion to allow additional speakers.

Once confirmed as a registered speaker, a link and instructions will be sent to you to join the online WLPP meeting, including the Operational Guidelines. Instructions will be sent 24 hours before the meeting.

The meeting will be recorded and available on Council’s website the day after the meeting. By attending this meeting, you consent to your image and /or  voice being live streamed and publicly available on Council's website.

Site Inspections

Panel members will only inspect the subject site (before the public meeting) where deemed necessary by the Chair to assist in their assessment.

Panel Archive

On 1 July 2013, the Independent Hearing & Assessment Panel (IHAP) was superseded by the Waverley Development Assessment Panel (WDAP) which was re-named the Waverley Local Planning Panel on 22 June 2018.

You can still view the agendas and minutes of WDAP and WLPP meetings from previous years by accessing the archive.

Annual returns disclosing interests

In accordance with the Code of Conduct for Local Planning Panels, panel members must submit annual returns disclosing interests. These returns must be published on Council’s website. A panel member’s principal place of residence is not required to be published. This information has therefore been redacted from the returns below.

More information

For more information please see LPP – Statutory rules.