Preparing a Development Application

If your proposal requires the submission of a Development Application, the below summarises the key reference materials you may need, and how to lodge your application.

Key Documents and Guides

The below key documents will assist you prepare your Development Application:

  • Cost Summary Report
    This is required for development with an estimated cost of less than $500,000.
  • Detailed Cost Report
    This is required for development with an estimated cost of more than $500,000 and is to be prepared by a Registered Quantity Surveyor.
  • Development Application Guide 
    Provides information regarding the Development Application process, including a detailed list of the documents you need to submit as part of your Development Application or Modification or Review Application to facilitate the assessment of the proposal.
  • Site Waste & Recycling Management Plan – Part 1 Design
    This plan must be submitted with your DA to demonstrate to Council that the requirements for waste and recycling storage and management have been adequately addressed. It will ensure that during future use of the property, waste and recycling can be collected in an efficient and safe manner and occupants can recycle as much as possible. For large developments comprising more than 20 units or mixed use premises a comprehensive SWRMP prepared by a suitably qualified consultant may be submitted instead of the SWRMP form.
  • Waste Calculator
    If you require assistance calculating the number of bins and storage requirements for waste and recycling at your proposed residential development, council’s Waste Calculator calculates the number of bins required in accordance with the Waverley Council Development Control Plan.

Other information that may assist you in preparing your application is:

  • Additional Information for Non-Residential Development
    Additional information for applicants of non-residential development (e.g. commercial premises) including a change of use application are required to submit this form with additional details regarding the operation of the development.
  • Colour Code for Plans
    Provides the standard colours to be used on plans to identify materials used in the development.
  • Heritage Policy and studies
    Aside from the master Waverley Heritage Policy, other guides are available to help developers dealing with heritage items in the Bondi Beach and Bondi Junction areas and/or heritage items from the inter-war periods.
  • Heritage Conservation Areas
    Inventory forms of the local HCAs, which are protected precincts based on their historical, aesthetic, social and/or technical significance.
  • Social Impact Assessment Guidelines
    How social impacts of proposed development will be assessed. The guidelines outline what social impacts are, whether a Social Impact Statement report is required for DA or Planning Proposal lodgement and what a Social Impact Statement report should contain.

Lodging your Development Application

Your completed Development Application needs to be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal, rather than to Council directly. Refer to the Overview of Development Applications page to check which types of applications should be submitted through the NSW Planning Portal or to Council directly.

The Development Application must be submitted with all plans and supporting documentation in digital form on the NSW Planning Portal. All documents automatically come across from the NSW Planning Portal to Council's own electronic management system, enabling customers to track the progress of their application online and to provide public exhibition of material on Council's website where required.

Ahead of lodging your application, it is suggested that you contact Council’s Planning Counter to request a fee quote for your proposal. Fees are calculated in accordance with Council’s Fees and Charges Policy and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act Regulations. Fees are based on the estimated cost of development, the number of lots (where subdivision is proposed), referral fees and notification.

To lodge your application via the NSW Planning Portal, you first need to create an account. Once you are logged in as a registered user, you need to:

  • Complete the online application;
  • Upload all the required application documents (forms, plans and supporting documents) which apply to your proposal as stipulated in the Waverley Council’s DA checklist. Please refer to the Waverley Development Application Guide for detailed explanation of the lodgement requirements.
  • All documents uploaded via the NSW Planning Portal must comply with Waverley Council’s Electronic Lodgement Guidelines (documents which do not meet the submissions guidelines will be returned and not lodged).

After you submit your application via the NSW Planning Portal, it will be checked for completeness by Council’s Duty Planner, and if all is in order, Council will email the applicant contact (as per the DA form) an invoice to pay the application fee. The fee must be paid within 48 hours.

The application is considered lodged once the necessary information has been provided and the fees have been paid. You will then be given an application number which acknowledges that your Development Application has been successfully lodged. Should your application be incomplete, it will not be formally lodged.

Applications lodged via the NSW Planning Portal which require review by the Waverley Design Excellence Advisory Panel will incur a referral fee.

Duty Planner

Council has a Duty Planner available for general enquiries relating to the planning process, policies and lodgement requirements. The Duty Officer is not able to provide detailed planning advice or high level planning information.

Make an appointment to speak to a duty planner