Heritage Exemption Certificate

The Waverley Local Environmental Plan (section 5.10.10) provides for certain minor works specific to Heritage Conservation Areas and heritage items be excluded from requiring development consent if a Heritage Exemption Certificate is issued.

A Heritage Exemption Certificate may be issued by Council if the works proposed to be carried out on a particular site are considered minor and do not have an impact on the significance of the Heritage Conservation Area or heritage item. A Heritage Exemption Certificate replaces the need for a Development Application (DA) to undertake the specific works.

Common works that may be suitable for a Heritage Exemption Certificate including painting within the prescribed heritage colour scheme, installing air conditioning or solar panels that are not visible from the street or electrical/plumbing works that are not visible in the interior.


Apply online, including the completed PDF form in your application.


For larger works such as any demolition, new buildings, change of use, tree pruning/removal or any work that would require a Construction Certificate, a Development Application is required.

More information:

Use Council’s online portal to apply for any of the below certificates or permits:

  • S10.7 Planning Certificate
  • S603 Rating Certificate
  • S735A & 121ZP Outstanding Notices or Orders
  • Heritage Exemption Certificate
  • Road Opening Permit
  • Occupy/Close a Public Road or Footway Permit
  • Construction Zone Permit
  • Lodge a Utilities Notification

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