Skate Park Amenities

Council is committed to improving the experience of residents and visitors to Bondi Beach. We will build a new amenities block to ensure visitors and residents will be catered for during peak periods.

The new amenities will be below Queen Elizabeth Drive, at the southern end of the beach near the skate park.

The proposed new building would include:

  • Male and female amenities with toilets and showers
  • accessible facilities
  • family facilities
  • outdoor showers
  • a kiosk

A Development Application has been submitted for the following proposed developments:

  • Additional Amenities Block at South Bondi;
  • Refurbishment and remedial works of Bondi lifeguard tower, including new lifeguard amenities; &
  • Upgrading of Bondi first aid facilities.

Capital Works Map

View locations of Council’s capital works projects for 2020-2021, as well as timing of works and contact information

Need more information?

Robert Sabato, Senior Project Manager

9083 8000

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