FAQs - Community Facilities

Will the community classes continue to operate at the Pavilion?

Yes. Community classes will continue at the Pavilion.  The Stage 1 works do not affect the rooms in which community classes are currently run, apart from the building of a new larger pottery studio. 

Dance classes, martial arts classes, yoga classes, children’s fitness classes, and other recreation and fitness classes run by external operators will all continue at Bondi Pavilion.  Pottery classes and school holiday programs, and other arts programming run by Waverley Council will all continue at Bondi Pavilion.

Will dedicated music studio facilities be retained at the Pavilion?

Yes.  Council has decided that dedicated music studio facilities will permanently continue at Bondi Pavilion.

The Stage 1 works will include new, purpose built space set aside for new music studio facilities. 

The existing music studios are not included in the Stage 1 works and so they will continue operating in their current location; the purpose built space created in Stage 1 will be used as community space, until after Council has made a decision about Stage 2. 

When Council does consider Stage 2, there are two possible outcomes:

  1. The existing music studios in their current location will be retained
  2. A community space, constructed in Stage 1, will become the dedicated music studio space, including recording facilities. The current location for the existing music studios would be removed in order to build a new theatre.  An additional music/rehearsal studio could also be included in the Stage 2 project.

In either scenario, music studios will remain in Bondi Pavilion.

Will the pottery studio be retained?

As part of Stage 1 works, a new, larger pottery studio with kiln will be built at Bondi Pavilion on the ground level.  The new pottery studio will also have air-conditioning.

The existing pottery studio needs to be relocated as the new, larger public toilet and amenities facility will be built in that location.

Will the artist studio be retained?

Yes. The artist studio will be relocated within Bondi Pavilion (outside of the Stage 1 area). Two possible locations have been identified.

Will there be more toilets?

Yes.  The number of female toilets will more than double.

The table below details the increase in public toilet facilities resulting from the Stage 1 improvements (the central toilet block). Please note: the layout of toilets is being amended in response to community feedback, including the provision of a main entrance from the Bondi Pavilion internal northern courtyard.

Stage 1
No. in existing central amenities block
No. in new amenities block
Female toilets
Female showers
Male urinals (places)
Male toilets
Male showers
Accessible facilities

*Note 1: Existing toilet numbers in the central amenities block include one female and one male larger toilet cubicle, but these cubicles do not meet Australian standard for accessible facilities. They are counted in the general female and male toilet numbers.
** Note 2: The new accessible toilet facilities include a ‘Changing Place’, a facility for people with severe disabilities - the first time this facility will be available at Bondi Beach.  More details are available at changingplaces.org.au

Will community classes and community uses be priced out of the Pavilion?

No. Bondi Pavilion will continue to be a community and cultural centre with a full suite of community classes, community uses and cultural programs.

A Fair Use Policy is being drawn up, informed by the community feedback in 2015 and 2016, and in consultation with current key stakeholders. This draft policy will be considered by Council at a future date. It will provide a framework for ensuring that venue hire is affordable, and that community classes continue at Bondi Pavilion. 

Is community space being reduced?

No. Stage 1 works will increase community space, as shown below: 

  • New gallery/exhibition/museum space will be created, of 200 m2.
  • The new pottery studio will be 77m2, compared to the existing pottery studio of 52 m2.
  • A new community space of 75 m2 will be built on the northern edge of the northern courtyard.  This will be constructed so that it can be a future music studio and recording facility. If existing music studios adjoining the southern courtyard are kept as part of Stage 2 works, then the new space will not be needed as a music studio – and the new space can continue to be hireable community space.
  • The existing artist studio of 24 m2 is in the location where the new toilet and amenities block will be.  This artist studio will be relocated within the Pavilion, outside of the Stage 1 area, and there are two possible locations identified at this stage.  This may see the artist studio either about the same size or with a small increase in space.

The net increase in community space is therefore 297 m2 in Stage 1 (not counting changes to the size of the artist studio).

Strong community feedback has been received that it is critical that the square metrage of community space be maintained or increased in Bondi Pavilion.  This feedback will be part of Council’s considerations in relation to Stage 2 works, after the Council election.

What community services are being permanently removed from Bondi Pavilion?

None. All services currently offered at the Pavilion will continue.

Bondi Pavilion will continue to have dedicated music studio and recording space, pottery, sport and exercise classes, children’s classes, school holiday programs, artist studio, art exhibitions and much more.

During construction, the rooms for all classes will still be operating, except the pottery studio.  The pottery studio will be unable to operate during construction, but once Stage 1 works are concluded there will be a new, larger pottery studio with kiln.  Temporary arrangements for pottery classes during construction will be made, in liaison with hirers and users.

What is happening to the theatre?

Council agreed to defer any decision on the theatre until after the next Council is elected. This includes decisions about use of the upper level and the proposed new theatre.

A community and cultural impact assessment is currently being conducted. This is looking at a range of options including a new theatre in the ground floor southern courtyard, as well as the option of retaining and upgrading the theatre in its current first floor position.

In the meantime, we are ensuring the theatre has the best possible facilities for the space. This includes new screen and projector, speakers, microphones, and audio mixing desk.

Why is Council moving the theatre from upstairs to downstairs?

This has not yet been decided.  A cultural and community impact assessment is currently in progress which is assessing the options for keeping the theatre where it is, or building a new purpose built state of the art theatre on the ground floor, adjacent to the southern courtyard.  

There has been a lot of useful community feedback in 2016 about the theatre and its location – this is being considered as part of the cultural and community impact assessment.


Is Council getting rid of the theatre?

No.  The Bondi Pavilion Purpose Statement includes a commitment that Bondi Pavilion will always include a theatre. 

Current studies are assessing the option of a new state of the art theatre on the ground floor adjacent to the southern courtyard, or alternatively an upgrade of the theatre in its existing first floor location.  Either way, Bondi Pavilion will have a theatre for performing arts and film.


How will festivals like Flickerfest run if the courtyard changes? 

Flickerfest can continue to operate in its existing locations - at its existing courtyard location along with the upstairs theatre.  

When the concrete amphitheatre is removed, temporary seating will be brought in for Flickerfest and other festival events where necessary.  Based on previous usage of the concrete amphitheatre this would be expected to occur perhaps 5–10 times per year. 

After construction of Stage 1, festivals will continue to operate at Bondi Pavilion with music and performance venues including the upstairs theatre and upstairs hireable rooms; ground floor courtyards and ground floor hireable rooms. 
There will also be two outdoor natural amphitheatres adjacent to the Pavilion which will be used for festivals and other events:

  • Natural amphitheatre in Bondi Park (the natural amphitheatre used for Carols by the Sea, Open Air Cinema and other events)
  • Natural amphitheatre adjacent to the Campbell Parade facing façade – this will be reinstated as part of Stage 1 works


Where will the music studios be? 

Council has committed to keeping music studio and recording facilities at Bondi Pavilion, however the location may move within the Pavilion.

The existing music studios will remain at least until Stage 2 is decided upon and carried out. Council may decide that Stage 2 will retain the existing music studios.

Stage 1 works will create a new space which will be available for use as a future music studio, in the event that Stage 2 impacts the existing music studio.  In this case, there may also be a second music rehearsal studio built.


Will there be a museum?

Stage 1 works include a new gallery/exhibition/museum space.  The programming and operation of this space will be the subject of further research and consideration in 2017. Displays and programs in the space will likely be focused on heritage.
Council has received a great deal of useful community feedback in relation to interpreting Bondi and Waverley heritage, and the possibility of a museum.  This will be an important part of Council’s considerations.


Is the pottery studio smaller?

No. The proposed staging plan has been developed to accommodate an enlarged pottery studio taking the area from 52m2 to 77m2.


Will the Pottery studio have a kiln?



What is happening to the artist studio?


The existing artist studio in the northern courtyard will be relocated as the space is needed for expanded public toilet and amenities facilities.  Two locations are being looked at.

Council continues to operate an expanded artist in residence program at Waverley Woollahra School of Arts on Bondi Road. There are five artist studio spaces available.