FAQs - Stage 1 Construction

When will Stage 1 construction start?

Construction of Stage 1 is expected to commence in about February/March 2018.  However this depends on how long the development assessment process takes, which is outside Council’s control.

How long will Stage 1 construction last?

Construction of Stage 1 is expected to take approximately 12-16 months. 

What facilities will be available during construction of Stage 1?

Apart from the construction zone centred on the northern courtyard, all facilities should be available for public use during construction. The central amenities block, the ground floor music studios, the gallery, the High Tide Room and all hireable rooms, and the upstairs theatre will all be accessible for most of the construction period.  Please note, there will inevitably be some noise and inconvenience due to the adjacent construction site.

The existing central toilet and amenities block will remain available for public use while the new amenities block is constructed.  When the new amenities block is complete, this will be opened to the public and then the site of the former amenities will become new community exhibition space.

We will work with contractors prior to final engagement to minimise disruption caused by the works. 


What will happen to The Bucket List operation?

The current commercial tenant in shop number 1B in Bondi Pavilion operates the space as ‘The Bucket List’, an eatery and bar much loved by many in the community. 

There are particular requirements around the commercial leasing of Crown Land.  The tenancy at Shop 1B would normally have expired in December 2015. Under usual Crown Land procedures, it would have been the subject of a competitive tender or expression of interest process for a new lease. 

However, because the Bondi Pavilion Upgrade and Conservation project was proposed, the existing tenancy was temporarily extended by Council and the current tenant remains in place. 

A competitive tender or expression of interest process will still need to be conducted for a new lease of the space, for the tenancy of the new space after construction of Stage 1.  The existing tenant is very welcome to apply.  


What will happen to The Bucket List space?

Shop 1B (the space occupied by The Bucket List) includes modern additions to Bondi Pavilion at the front and rear, and a first floor space. The front addition was identified by the independently authored Bondi Pavilion Conservation Management Plan 2015 as ‘intrusive’ on heritage grounds, as it permanently obscures the otherwise original and symmetrical beach facing façade.

The Stage 1 works include removal of these modern additions, which reduces the overall commercial tenancy space in that location. 

Outdoor dining will still be in place in front of the Bucket List space, and can include the space formerly occupied by the modern ‘glass bubble’ addition.


What happens to loading facilities and access for Bondi Pavilion?

The current loading and parking zone between Bondi Pavilion and Campbell Parade will be pedestrianised.  A new access zone will be built at the northern corner of Bondi Pavilion, adjacent to the new waste facilities, with access from Park Drive.  The details of the access route are still being determined with traffic consultants


What's the plan for the trees in the courtyard? 


Nine trees are proposed for removal as part of this project. To offset this loss, we propose planting 51 replacement trees within the Pavilion courtyard, which will provide shade and a canopy cover.

We know the environmental conditions at Bondi Park are particularly harsh for most tree species as a result of strong coastal winds, salt spray and low fertility soils. Therefore, any proposed new tree species will be chosen with this consideration.

They will be supplied as advanced-sized stock and in accordance with Australian Standard.