FAQs - Stage 1 Process (including DA submission)

What will happen in Stage 1?

The Stage 1 works focus on the northern courtyard space and adjacent spaces and buildings.  Stage 1 works include:

  • Construction of new public toilets and amenities
  • New gallery/exhibition/museum space
  • Construction of expanded community spaces adjoining the northern courtyard to include:a larger relocated pottery studio with kiln; and a new community space with appropriate services and treatments, so that the room can be fitted out as a purpose built music studio facility at a future date.  If it turns out the existing music studios do not need to be relocated in future, this community space will instead be hireable community space.
  • Internal colonnades and landscaping of the northern courtyard
  • Loading dock and relocated improved waste arrangements
  • Heritage works including removal of the front façade modern addition (the ‘glass bubble’), which will restore the symmetry of the Pavilion’s beach facing façade, and the removal of the concrete amphitheatre to allow for landscaped outdoor community and events space
  • Solar panels and other environmentally sustainable design measures, with a view to achieving five green star environmental ratings
  • Replacement of the roof for the entire building, along with external façade works (painting and repairs) for the whole building.

The Stage 1 works will overall increase community space, and will reduce commercial space. 


How do I view the DA submission?

The Development Application (DA) is available to view online via Council’s website at waverley.nsw.gov.au/building/development_applications/track_a_da 

or can be viewed at our Customer Service Centre at 55 Spring Street, Bondi Junction between 8.30am – 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

The DA reference number is DA-100/2017. Submissions are now closed.

How will the development application be assessed?

The development application for Stage 1 will be determined by the Sydney Planning Panel. This panel is part of the Greater Sydney Commissions, and is independent of Council. Further information is available here: greater.sydney/content/sydney-planning-panels.

There will be specialised, independent experts, including the local police, asked to provide commentary of certain aspects of the proposal. These include but are not limited to:

  • Traffic management
  • Fire safety and the Building Code of Australia
  • Stormwater measures
  • Sustainability
  • Heritage and urban design
  • Community safety
  • Landscape design
  • Environmental health
  • Waste

The DA will also be referred to the NSW Office of Heritage and Environment and the NSW Heritage Council for comment and approval.

Council will not determine the application, and it will be independently assessed. Instead, the role of Council will be to:

  • Lodge the development application
  • Advertise and notify the community of the public exhibition period
  • Facilitate the public exhibition period, including coordinating community feedback
  • Obtain any concurrence required
  • Obtain general terms of approval from government agencies and consideration of matters set out in Section 79C of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.
  • Coordinate expert commentary on aspects of the proposal, as laid out above

Upon the DA being lodged with Council, you will be able to track the progress of the application here: waverley.nsw.gov.au/building/development_applications/track_a_da

What is the community and cultural impact assessment?

Cred Consulting was hired to conduct a community and cultural impact assessment of the options for Bondi Pavilion upgrade and conservation project. They are assessed a range of options, including a new theatre on the ground floor, as well as options to retain the theatre in its current location. 

The community and cultural impact assessment includes consideration of the very important feedback received in 2016, in the first consultation in early 2016 and also in the August-September consultation conducted by KJA consultants.  This feedback is very valuable. The assessment was reviewed by Council at the July Operations Committee meeting. It is available to read here.