FAQs - Stage 2

What decisions are deferred until Stage 2?

Stage 2 is not determined yet – this includes the first floor, and all existing spaces around the southern courtyard including existing music studios, High Tide Room and commercial spaces.  Council will make a decision on Stage 2 after the new Council is elected. 

Decisions on the existing theatre, the layout and use of the first floor, allocation of space for commercial tenancies and any other amendments to the concept design as a result of community feedback will be decided at that time.


When will Council make decisions about Stage 2?

The newly elected Council will decide on Stage 2 of the project after the next Council elections. 

The date of the next Council elections is 9 September 2017.

What options are being considered for Stage 2?

Council hired Cred Consulting (Cred) to analyse the Stage 2 potential options for a Community and Cultural Impact Assessment. This went to July Operations Committee on Tuesday 4 July 2017.  This assessment, together with the business case, will provide information to assist the Council to decide on Stage 2.  This decision will take place following Council elections.

There are seven options being assessed, although it is expected that only options 3-6 would be viable. In bold are the two options Cred has evaluated as first-preferred


In summary, the options are:

  • Option 1 (benchmarking only) – Do nothing. Stage 1 works remain.
  • Option 2 (benchmarking only) – Basic Make Good and Minimum Works Stage 1 works remain.  For the area outside of Stage 1, basic repair and renewal works done, with essentially no upgrades or improvements.
  • Option 3 – The theatre stays in current first floor location but is upgraded. The Seagull Room remains a hireable community space. The Dolphin Room and Ocean Room become a small café on the first floor. Ground floor music studios and High Tide Room remain in current location. Stage 1 works remain.
  • Option 4 – Theatre stays in current first floor location but is upgraded. Seagull Room, Dolphin Room and Ocean Room become a café/eatery. Ground floor music studios and High Tide Room remain in current location. Stage 1 works remain. 
  • Option 5 – New theatre built on ground floor. Existing theatre space becomes a community hireable space, Seagull room remains a community hireable space; Dolphin Room and Ocean Room become a single hireable community space. Music studio facilities are provided in the new allocated community space built in Stage 1 and also probably an additional studio space constructed in Stage 2. Stage 1 works remain.
  • Option 6 – New theatre built on ground floor. Existing theatre space becomes a community hireable space, Seagull Room, Dolphin Room and Ocean Room become a café/restaurant. Music studio facilities provided in new allocated community spaces built in Stage 1 and also probably in Stage 2. Stage 1 works remain. 
  • Option 7 (benchmarking only) – New theatre built on ground floor.  Music studio facilities provided in new allocated community space built in Stage 1. First floor space has maximum commercial use. Stage 1 works remain.

Options 3 and 5 are equally ranked by Cred as first-preferred. Both options deliver improved cultural and community use outcomes for the Pavilion, including:

  • increased community and cultural floor space
  • upgraded and more flexible facilities
  • ability to support a range of cultural and community activities, and viability of the Pavilion's hirable spaces.
You can view the Cred Cultural and Community Impact Assessment in full here.