Previous update 11 November 2016

The further consultation and engagement period for the Bondi Pavilion Upgrade and Conservation Project concluded on 23 September 2016. KJA Consultations, who coordinated the consultation, have now completed their report. The report consists of multiple parts and can be viewed in the document library here

The consultation report will be considered at the Council meeting on 15 November 2016.  

At that meeting, there will also be a report considered in relation to an investigation on staging the Bondi Pavilion project. This option, if adopted, would see Council prioritising the construction of the new toilet and public amenities in the north eastern courtyard, along with a new pottery studio and space allocated for a future music studio, and an additional new community space. Courtyard landscaping and heritage works in and around the north eastern courtyard would also take place.

This staging option would see decisions on other proposed works (including the first floor, the theatre and the existing music studios) deferred for future consideration after the next Council elections.

 In early 2017, Council also expects to receive further technical reports that will assist its decision making on the project, including a cultural and community impact assessment, a business case modelling a number of different scenarios for the first floor, and the proposed Fair Use Policy to ensure fair and equitable community access.