Previous update 25 July 2016: The Bondi Pavilion Commercial Review

The Bondi Beach, Park and Pavilion Plan of Management 2012–2024 includes an action to commission a study to investigate opportunities to increase income generated at Bondi Pavilion, in order to fund a better maintained building, facilities and services. The study was commissioned in 2014, and Urbis, a company with an extensive background in local government, facility and retail feasibility studies was appointed as the successful consultants.

This study, the Bondi Pavilion Commercial Review, was presented to Council in February 2015 under confidential seal as it included information about current and potential future leases which was considered to be commercially sensitive.

It looked at the current Bondi Pavilion layout, examined other similar heritage buildings with commercial components, interviewed local community and tenant stakeholders, and interviewed stakeholders in the retail, hospitality and other industries. 

It identified a number of revenue generating opportunities including the removal of Council offices to an offsite location, relocation of community spaces, an increase in the number of tenancies for lease and exploration of opportunities for functions, events and dining on the upper level. 

At this February 2015 meeting, Council decided not to adopt either of these options as a whole. The layout diagrams in the Urbis study were considered to be useful to explore possibilities, but were not endorsed by Council. Council also did not endorse the Urbis recommendations as a whole. 

Instead, it was decided the most suitable ideas and initiatives would be used to inform discussions with the appointed architect without being constrained by the Urbis study or the Urbis layout diagrams.

Please click here to read the report. This document has been redacted to remove confidential information relating to current and future leases and potential costings relating to the two options outlined in the study.