Clifftop Walkway Upgrade

Diamond Bay clifftop walkway image with wooden stairs and lookout area

Waverley Council is improving access, safety and amenity for all users of the clifftop walkway at Eastern Reserve, Dover Heights and Diamond Bay Reserve, Diamond Bay by upgrading sections of the coastal walkway.

For the latest updates regarding the 21 May 2024 Diamond Bay Lookout Council Report, please visit our Have Your Say page.

This project is proudly co-funded through the NSW Government's Public Spaces Legacy Program and Waverley Council.

Project Update - May 2024

Following independent reviews of privacy concerns raised by residents about a section of the boardwalk and lookout area, Council determined at its meeting of the 21 May 2024 that the project will continue as per the approved Development Application plans. For more information, please refer to the HYS page document library for full Council report and independent consultant reports.

Please note the report was confidential, but Council determined there was sufficient public interest to make the majority of the report public.

Construction and fabrication work for the boardwalk and lookout have been on hold until Council thoroughly investigated residents’ concerns. Contractors will now complete the works on this final section which will take approximately 4 months to complete, weather permitting.

The contractor has commenced works at Eastern Reserve ensuring the project has continued to progress. The works include emergency stormwater upgrade works at both George Street and Ocean View Avenue.

Construction at both sites will continue to progress with priority stormwater works being completed as soon as possible and the first stage of the project at Diamond Bay being open for public enjoyment in spring.

Project Update - December 2023

Works at Diamond Bay are delayed in response to Council resolving to remove the lookout and investigate lowering the boardwalk to address privacy concerns. There are several unknowns including scope changes, material ordering, contractor availability and planning timeframes. Once further investigations have been carried out, a time frame for completion of works will be provided.

The contractor will commence works at Eastern Reserve Boardwalk in January 2024 to ensure the project progresses. The Eastern Reserve works will take approximately 7 months to complete, weather permitting.

For further information about the project,  please visit our Have Your Say page.

We thank you for your patience while construction is in progress.

Project Update - October 2023

Works on the Diamond Bay Boardwalk have almost reached the halfway mark. Boardwalk posts have been installed on the south section of the boardwalk with the timber substructure currently being assembled. Footings and post installation for the north section of the boardwalk will commence shortly.

The updated completion date for the Diamond Bay boardwalk will be February 2024, weather permitting.

Project Update - August 2023

Demolition works on Diamond Bay Boardwalk are complete and work on the new footings for the boardwalk are underway.

Project Commences - May 2023

We completed temporary remediation works in 2020 to address safety concerns and are now implementing more permanent solutions.

In May 2023, Waverley Council started works to upgrade the clifftop boardwalks at Diamond Bay and Eastern Reserve. The upgrade works will be split into two stages and will involve:

  • Replacement of both sections of clifftop boardwalks at Diamond Bay (stage one) and Eastern Reserve (stage two)
  • Upgrades to main entry points at Lancaster Rd, Bulga Rd, Oceanview Ave and Kimberley St to include directional signage, seating, bins and bubblers
  • Replacement of coastal fence and road barriers at the Kimberley St entrance
  • Replacement of coastal fence and stormwater diversion upgrades at George St
  • New staircases in Eastern Reserve

Council has engaged Land and Marine Group to undertake these works. Stage one works along the Diamond Bay boardwalk, between Craig Ave and Kimberley St, started in May 2023 and are expected to take approximately seven months, weather permitting.

We will make every effort to minimise disruption and noise. Expected work hours will be 7am - 5pm Monday to Friday and 8am - 1pm on Saturdays (if required).

This project is proudly funded by the NSW Government in association with Waverley Council

Diamond Bay Boardwalk and Eastern Reserve Boardwalk - Temporary Closures

Diamond Bay Boardwalk, between Kimberley Street and Isabel Avenue and Eastern Reserve Boardwalk, between Lancaster Road and Oceanview Avenue are temporarily closed while construction works are in progress.

The map below shows the current diversion in place: