Notts Avenue Boardwalk Remediation

Project Update  -  June 2024

We are thrilled to announce that the Notts Avenue Boardwalk is open again following completion of all remediation works. Please come and enjoy the new boardwalk  which includes  new balustrade and piers, as well as a new hardwood boardwalk .

Project  Description

Waverley Council is delivering remediation work to the Notts Avenue Boardwalk to facilitate pedestrian safety after the boardwalk was severely damaged in a coastal storm. Council undertook investigations to determine the most cost-effective methods to repair or replace the boardwalk. Based on structural engineering advice it was determined that the boardwalk and supporting piers could not be repaired and that a full replacement of the structure is required.

The works will include:

  • Demolition of existing hardwood boardwalk, balustrade, and piers
  • Installation of new piers
  • Installation of new boardwalk and balustrade

Works will start on 25 September and are expected to be completed in 4 months, weather permitting.  Construction will be paused during the  Sculpture by the Sea exhibition to minimise disturbance.

Please note that as we are working in a highly exposed frontline coastal location, some weather delays may occur. Work hours will be from 7am–5pm, Monday to Friday and 8am–1pm on Saturdays (if required).

During the construction phase, the working area will be restricted to the public and some minimal on-street parking will be occupied to allow access for construction vehicles and materials. We expect some noise and disruption to residents and business owners during construction. However, we will make every effort to minimise any inconvenience.

We thank you for your patience and understanding while construction works are in progress.