Public art

public art

Public art enlivens our streets, parks and public places, forming an important part of Waverley's character. Waverley Council, private developers and business operators all play a role in the commissioning of public artworks, meaning Council funds artwork directly and in some cases requires public artwork to be part of Development Applications.

Council’s approach to public art is governed by the Waverley Public Art Masterplan and Public Art Policy.

Waverley Council has more than a dozen key sites for public art, with the commissioning of art guided by four key objectives:

  1. Place making i.e. making spaces into places.
  2. Artistic merit and integrated design, meaning the artwork itself is exceptional but also fits within context of the space.
  3. Sustainability and materiality in terms of longevity, engineering and environmental considerations.
  4. Local culture and heritage, preferencing local stories and perspectives.

All public art undergoes public consultation, typically via Council’s Have Your Say website.

View our public artwork on the Public Arts Walk that takes you around Bondi Beach to key local sites.

For further information, please contact Waverley Council’s Visual Arts Team at