Rodney Reserve

Rodney Reserve was the site of a former WWII radar station used by the Royal Australian Air Force. Following the War, the reserve was home to one of the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) leading field stations used for pioneering studies in radio astronomy. A plaque and replica of an early radio telescope can be found in the reserve to commemorate the scientific importance of Rodney Reserve.


  Goalposts: football & rugby combined
Ocean View
  Line markings by arrangement
  On street parking

Prohibitions in Park: alcohol, bicycles, skateboards, portable BBQs.
Public toilets: Find the public toilets closest to this park
Maximum Party Size: 100


Rodney Reserve (Sports Field)
Standard per hr  $72.50
Not for Profit per hr  $49
Standard full day (7 hrs or more) per booking $479
Not for Profit full day (7 hours or more) per booking $311
Local School Rate Mon-Fri 9am to 3pm
(Bookings must be made)
per hr  Nil

Public transport options

The 380 & 333 bus routes drops off on Military Road where you can walk up Blake Street to where the Reserve is situated.


Rodney St, Dover Heights NSW 2030

Rodney & Releigh map