Commercial health and fitness training

Commercial health

Any health and fitness activities that are organised or for commercial gain* are governed by Council’s Commercial Fitness Policy, which covers all open spaces in Waverley’s Local Government Area.

Having a permit system in place for commercial fitness trainers helps Council to manage:

  • Equity of use: Potential conflict with displaced users, management of demand, domination and monopolisation of areas and perception of exploitation of public land by commercial operators.
  • Impact on the asset: Fitness training in groups causing wear-and-tear to open spaces.
  • Public liability concerns: i.e. trainers with insufficient insurance.

*'Commercial gain' means compensation in money, services or other consideration as part of a scheme or effort to generate income or financial advantage of any kind.

Types of permits

Depending on the number of people you intend to train at any one time, you will need to decide what category of permit to apply for:

Category 1: 1 to 2 participants, no fixed location, no equipment.

Category 2: 1 to 6 participants, fixed location, with equipment.

Category 3: 7 to 12 participants, fixed location, with equipment.

Category 4: 13 to 20 participants, fixed location, with equipment.

The table below sets out the maximum group size permitted in each location (conditions apply). View training area maps.

Location Maximum group size
Bondi Beach – sand (area 15) 20
Bondi Park (areas 1, 2, 3, 4 & 7) 12
Bondi Park (areas 5 & 6) 20
Marks Park (area 8) 20
Tamarama Park (area 9) 6
Bronte Park (areas 10 & 11) 12
Bronte Park (area 12) 20
Waverley Park (areas 13 & 14) 12
Hugh Bamford Reserve (area 16) 20
Varna Park (area 17) 20
Diamond Bay (area 18) 20
Rodney Reserve (area 21) 20
Dudley Page Reserve (area 19) 20
Barracluff Park (area 20) 20

How to apply for a permit

  • Read the Commercial Fitness Groups and Personal Trainers Policy.
  • Complete the online application form.
  • Attach copies of the documents below:
    • Current Senior First Aid Certificate
    • Public Liability Insurance cover for Fitness Activities, minimum $20 million, indemnifying Waverley Council
    • Certificate of Training Qualifications
    • A proposed roster of your classes
    • A list of qualified trainers/support person that may use your permit in your absence
    • A headshot photo for your Council ID card

Fees and charges

Refer to Pricing Policy Fees & Charges.

For enquiries about health and fitness training, email or call 9083 8300.