Neighbourhood issues

This is your quick guide to resolving common matters of concern in the community.


Dumped rubbish

See Illegal dumping & litter


In progress: If you see graffiti in progress or you know someone taking part in graffiti, call Waverley Police station immediately.

On Council property: For graffiti within parks, beach areas, streets/roads, bus shelters and on Council buildings, Lodge a Request selecting the graffiti option.

On private property: For graffiti on private property accessible from public land, you may Lodge a Request selecting the graffiti option.

On public property not administered by Council: Contact the NSW Graffiti Hotline who will alert the relevant authority.

For further information, see Council’s Graffiti Management Policy 2023 or the NSW Government resources on graffiti, including prevention and removal advice.

Neighbour disputes

Always attempt to resolve matters directly if safe to do so.

Civil matters: Council cannot intervene on matters that are private in nature, such as a dividing fence, retaining wall, overhanging trees or trespass. For ongoing disputes, consider utilising the NSW Community Justice Centres.

Criminal or safety matters: Contact the local police, or in an emergency call 000.

Noise – household or business

There are time restrictions on neighbourhood noise listed on the EPA website. If a household or business is making excessive noise or noise out of hours, attempt to resolve matters directly if safe to do so.

If unsuccessful, refer to the EPA’s noise guide on who to contact, whether that be the local police, Liquor & Gaming NSW (for pubs/clubs), Transport for NSW or Council.

For ongoing noise issues, refer to the EPA’s guidance including the potential of contacting the Community Justice Centre.

Noise – construction site

Contact the ‘private certifier’ whose details will be listed on signage at the site. If they do not respond or address the concern, contact Council. For more information, see Compliance relating to construction sites.

Park or verge maintenance

Lodge a Request with Council using the ‘other’ category.

Pets – nuisance

See Restricted, dangerous or nuisance animals

Pets – lost

See Lost, stray or abused animals


EPA: Most pollution should be reported to the EPA including site contamination, littering from vehicles, smoky vehicles, supplying prohibited plastics and signs of sea water pollution.

Sydney Water: For sewer or fresh water (drinking water) contamination concerns on private or public land contact Sydney Water.

Council: For stormwater concerns Lodge a Request with Council using the ‘other’ category. Also lodge a request with Council for air pollution (including odour) or noise pollution (including from air conditioning and machinery), including backyard burning.

In an emergency: If there is a major pollution event underway such as a leak of dangerous materials, call 000.

For more information on noise, air, water and waste pollution, see Compliance.

Trees – disputes

See Tree disputes between neighbours

Trees – development

See Trees and development

Trees – pruning or removal

See Tree pruning and removal

Trees – street trees

See – Public tree management

Vehicle – unattended

Step 1: Confirm vehicle is unregistered via Service NSW. If the vehicle is registered, in good condition and legally parked, Council cannot take action unless the vehicle is stationery for 28 consecutive days.

Step 2: If vehicle is unregistered or has not moved for 28 consecutive days, Lodge a Request with Council noting the vehicle registration number, location and description.

Vehicle – illegally parked

Lodge a Request with Council noting the vehicle registration number, location and description. For more information, see Parking enforcement and safety.

Vermin (rats and mice)

On public property: Lodge a Request with Council using the ‘other’ category. Council can also be contacted regarding vermin on abandoned private land.

On private property: Contact the owner, or in the case of a building site, see the on-site notification/sign for the contact.


For fresh (drinking) water issues: Contact Sydney Water.

For water seepage (leaks) on private land: Contact Sydney Water.

For stormwater on public land: Lodge a Request with Council using the ‘other’ category. For more information on stormwater, see Compliance.