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Mobility parking spaces
Cars used by MPS permit holders (drivers or passengers) can be parked in spaces showing the international symbol of access for people with a mobility disability. Waverley Council provides on-street mobility parking spaces to residents with MPS permits subject to an assessment of available off-street and on-street parking.
Applications for mobility parking spaces are assessed using a guideline endorsed by Council. The guideline outlines the eligibility criteria and assessment process for an on-street mobility parking space.
Mobility parking spaces are not reserved for private use. They can be used by any eligible MPS permit holder.
Am I eligible for on-street disability parking?
An application does not guarantee a mobility parking space will be installed. The following criteria needs to be satisfied:
- The applicant is a resident living at the address.
- The applicant has an approved TfNSW Mobility Parking Scheme permit. Note that temporary permits will only be considered if there are extenuating circumstances.
- The application is for a vehicle registered to the address.
- The property does not have accessible off-street parking.
- Parking demands within 50 metres either side and opposite the property is to be above 85% capacity (this will be assessed by Council officers via a random daytime site visit and review of Google Street View images).
What is required for the application of an on-street disability parking space?
To apply, the following documents are required by Council:
- A completed On-street Mobility Parking Space application form.
- A copy of both sides of a current mobility parking scheme permit from Transport for NSW. A photo or scan is OK.
- A copy of a current vehicle registration certificate with the address matching the residence. The owner of the vehicle can be another person who resides at the same address. A photo or scan is OK.
- Confirmation that the resident does not have access to an off-street parking space (disabled or otherwise). For apartments this could be a letter from the strata manager confirming that the residence does not have an allocated parking spot within the property.
Who approves the mobility parking space?
If eligible, a report is submitted the Waverley Traffic Committee for consideration. The committee will make a recommendation to Council. Council will then determine whether to approve the application.
How to apply?
Submit the completed application form with all supporting documents via:
Email: traffic@waverley.nsw.gov.au
In person: Customer Service Centre, 55 Spring St, Bondi Junction, Monday to Friday - 9am to 5pm
Post: PO Box 9, Bondi Junction NSW 1355
Processing of applications may take up to 8 weeks depending on the timing of the Traffic Committee and Council meetings.