Food waste

Each year Australians waste around 7.6 million tonnes of food across the food supply chain. A kerbside bin audit across the Waverley Local Government Area in 2023 revealed that food waste makes up nearly 40% of a typical red garbage bin. To look at it another way, this equates to $965 worth of food waste a year for the average household in NSW.

While some food waste is unavoidable, some small changes at home can lead to less food waste while reducing your grocery bill.

For more facts, stats and resources, visit Love Food Hate Waste.

Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) trial

In October 2024, Waverley Council introduced a Food Organics and Garden Organics (FOGO) service, starting with a one-year trial. Around 2,000 households included in the trial are being encouraged to place food scraps into their green organics bin along with garden waste. These materials will then be collected and processed into compost at a commercial facility, transforming what would have been waste into a valuable resource.

This trial is a key step part in Waverley’s commitment to a sustainable future. It is part of Council’s broader Resource Recovery and Waste Strategy 2024-2032 (draft), which aims to halve the amount of organic waste sent to landfill by 2030.

Waste is a challenge we all share, and by offering new, convenient services like FOGO, Council is working with the community to combat waste and protect the environment.

By 2030, all councils across New South Wales must provide a FOGO service, as outlined in the NSW Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041. Therefore, please be aware that for streets included in the trial, FOGO will be a permanent service; Council do not intend to discontinue it after the trial ends. Instead, the insights gathered will guide us in expanding FOGO to all Waverley residents, creating a more sustainable community for everyone.


Note: Right now, we're only offering the FOGO service to households within the trial area, but eventually it will be expanded. To register your interest, complete the 'non trial participant' survey on our Have Your Say page.


Workshops & events

Council regularly hosts fun events and workshops that are designed to help everyone – including residents who are not part of the trial – waste less food, save money on groceries and learn food preservation skills. Visit our Have Your Say page for more information and to register.

You can also stay in the loop about upcoming environmental workshops and events by signing up to Second Nature.

For more information about the FOGO trial, to register your interest or submit feedback, please visit our Have Your Say page.


Another option for some food waste is composting and wormfarming. Council offers heavily discounted compositing equipment via Compost Revolution.

Have your say!

Browse Council projects open for feedback and Join to receive updates. Visit Have Your Say.