Bin signs, bin stickers, educational flyers & reusable bags

To support our community to improve waste management in apartment buildings, Waverley Council offers a range of visual aids, signs and stickers to residents for free.

Please complete the form here to order any of the following materials.

Our Waste team will mail or hand deliver the material to your property.

The following headings in the section toggles the corresponding container directly below

Bin room signage can help to remind residents what goes in each bin. There is one sign for each of the 4 bins.

How to use: Install the signs on the walls where bins are stored, at just above eye level or high enough not to be covered when bin lids are open. Liquid Nails can be used to hang the signs.
Dimensions and material: A2 corflute for all except for the Moving Out/Spring Cleaning sign which is laminated.




Bin stickers are useful reminders for what goes in each bin. They are available for blue, red, green and yellow bins.

How to use: Apply one sticker to the top of the bin lid. Clean the bin lid prior to placing the sticker and press down firmly when applying.
Dimensions and material: 210mm x 190mm weatherproof sticker



‘No Plastic Bags’ sticker reminds residents that soft plastics or bagged items are not accepted in the recycling bins. Plastic bags clog up recycling equipment and cannot be recycled in most recycling plants.

How to use: Apply one sticker to your recycling bin lids (both the yellow and blue lids) and place it next to the main bin sticker describing what goes in the bin.
Dimensions and material: 115mm diameter round weather-proof sticker


‘No Junk Mail’ can help to reduce the amount of promotional material put into mailboxes.

How to use: Apply one sticker to your letterbox taking care not to cover any unit or house numbers.
Dimensions and material: 90mm x 45mm rectangular weather-proof sticker


Small posters in common areas can remind tenants about correct waste and recycling disposal.

How to use: Place posters on walls in common areas such as foyers or lifts, or distribute hard copies to residents through their mailboxes. Alternatively, download the files and send them to residents when required.
Dimensions and material: A4 size paper posters. Not for outdoor use.


Helpful for new residents in the building to understand how recycling works and how to contact Council for hard rubbish collection through Council’s clean up service.

Dimensions and material: A4 folded brochure



Buildings with garbage chutes can place Chute Stickers on the chute doors or near the chutes to notify users of items accepted in the chutes. This will assist to prevent blockages.

How to use: Place stickers on chute doors so they are easily visible.
