Circular Economy
Waverley is embracing waste management that embeds circular economy principles. This means strengthening resource recovery to keep dangerous waste out of waste streams, supporting the recycling of textiles and other materials and reducing the need to source new materials.
Council continues to provide targeted education, infrastructure and enforcement to ensure that Waverley’s neighbourhoods stay clean for everyone to enjoy. In this way, we are ensuring that we can safely manage waste, meet legislated targets in waste reduction and minimise impacts to the environment and local community.
The goals in the Environmental Action Plan aimed at establishing a zero-waste community are:
- 80% recovery rate from all waste streams by 2030 from 2017/18 levels (see graph)
- 50% reduction in organic waste sent to landfill by 2030 from 2017/18 levels
- 60% reduction in litter by 2030 from 2009 levels

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Learn more about sustainable waste programs: