Sustainable Water

Managing Waverley’s water resources will be increasingly challenged by population growth and the unpredictable impacts of climate change, such as extended droughts and floods. Securing clean and sustainable water sources will help conserve water, protect waterways and support recreation, cooling and greening in Waverley.

Council is optimising the use of recycled water in amenities and installing raingardens in water sensitive streets to improve water quality. We will continue to support our community to better manage and conserve water through education, planning controls and programs, while working with key stakeholders to deliver effective coastal management measures.

The goals in the Environmental Action Plan aimed at conserving water and improving water quality are:
  1. 0% increase in community water use by 2030 (see graph)
  2. Pollution in waterways is minimised by 2030
  3. Good or better Beachwatch ratings for all beaches

Learn more about conserving water and protecting water quality: