Take a step back in time with this free workshop as you learn different preservation techniques to make your food last longer. Connect to ancient traditions, waste less food and save money by improving your food preservation knowledge
Take a step back in time with this free workshop as you learn different preservation techniques to make your food last longer. Connect to ancient traditions, waste less food and save money by improving your food preservation knowledge
Do you Love our Coast? Then help us discover and record what species live here by joining the Waverley Marine BioBlitz!
Join scientists, nature lovers, school children and community members for Waverley’s first marine BioBlitz in March 2025. Get down to the coast and help discover the...
Get your bike tuned up for free at the Boot Factory!
Whether your bike needs a quick fix, gear adjustment, safety check or more, there will be expert bike mechanics at the Waverley Repair Café to get your bike in top shape for you to have safer and more enjoyable rides. Book a...
Are you sick of using so much plastic? Tired of throwing expired food away? Us too! Join us at this free workshop to learn how to make your very own Reusable Beeswax Cling Wrap, made from natural materials. We will also guide you through new ways to store your food to keep it fresher for longer.
To ensure Council resources are effectively managed we may, for some activities, charge a nominal fee at registration to encourage participant attendance and to ensure catering, resources and other materials are not wasted.