Second Nature Event Ticketing

It's important to ensure that when Council engages with our community on environmental education and sustainability activities, participation is inclusive, effective, and equitable.

We aim to provide educational initiatives free of charge, because promoting sustainability knowledge and behaviour is a public good that contributes to meeting Waverley's environmental goals, and assists the protection and enhancement of our local and global environment.

To ensure Council resources are effectively targeted and deployed, Second Nature engagements and programs will register participant names, contact details and other relevant information for evaluation purposes and to provide a channel for follow-up. Council adheres to all relevant privacy regulations and participant information will never be shared with third parties.

To ensure Council resources are effectively managed we may, for some activities, charge a nominal fee at registration to encourage participant attendance and to ensure catering, resources and other materials are not wasted. For some workshops or events, where participants receive materials or tools to take home, the fee makes a partial contribution towards the total cost of providing the service, recognising the community benefit it provides.

On most occasions, fees can be refunded, minus the service charge, upon request. Waviers can also be granted to address barriers such as affordability or access to a credit card, for example to concession card holders and minors.

To request a refund or waiver email