Collaborating For Impact

Group of local community groups meeting under Collaborating FOr Impact program

Collaborating for Impact brainstorming session

Waverley Council works collectively with active environmental community groups via our Collaboration for Impact (C4I) program. Council provides local groups with regular capacity building, education and networking opportunities to help tackle complex environmental challenges like climate change through collective environmental action.


Problems are rarely solved alone.

By combining forces – different skills, passions, viewpoints, networks, expertise, knowledge – using co-design approaches and building trust in our collective capacity, can help make a more significant positive environmental impacts for our local community.

Who is part of C4I?

Interested in joining in?

Are you part of an environmental community group operating in the Waverley LGA? Being part of C4I will give you access to a broad network of like-minded groups, as well as capacity building workshops, skills and knowledge sharing forums and opportunities to co-design and co-develop environmental initiatives in partnership with other C4I members.

To join please contact