A big tick for Council's Notts Avenue Pedestrian Safety and Streetscape Upgrade

09 July 2019 | News

9  July 2019

Waverley Council wishes to thank the many Notts Avenue residents, businesses and stakeholders for providing feedback on our Notts Avenue Pedestrian Safety and Streetscape Upgrade.

Our second round of community consultation for the project has now concluded and a total of 98.3% of online respondents were in support of Council’s plans for the upgrade.

Our proposed concept for the project is a 10km/h shared zone, with viewing platforms in two locations to provide space for people to stop and take photos of Bondi Beach and other improvements.

Waverley Council will spend $3.75 million on the upgrade to significantly improve pedestrian access and safety along Notts Avenue.

Notts Avenue is one of the most detailed and thorough road projects Council has undertaken since the re-design of Campbell Parade and the creation of the Oxford St Mall, Bondi Junction.

Based on community feedback, Council's People, Movement and Places strategy identified pedestrian safety as a priority. Notts Avenue is heavily accessed by pedestrians, and with this in mind, Council identified Notts Avenue as a priority location for an upgrade to improve safety and overall experience for residents, visitors and all users of this space.

The original project for Notts Avenue was estimated at around $1 million. This project significantly increases the scope of the works and the benefits to the community. More money is available if needed but Council is confident that the project will deliver a world-class outcome.

We are now entering the detailed design phase which will reflect feedback received during the latest consultation.

The Notts Avenue upgrade is part of Bondi Blueprint, a $70 million suite of projects to improve the experience of Bondi Beach for our residents and visitors over the coming years.