Sculpture by the Sea license agreement

16 July 2019 | News

16 July 2019

Waverley Council voted unanimously to approve a license for Sculpture by the Sea for 2019 supporting the event for this year.

Councillors also voted in favour of an additional five plus five-year license should Sculpture by the Sea wish to remain in Bondi through to 2030.

Tonight's decision sends a very clear message about Council’s willingness to support the event on mutually agreeable terms.

Council officers have been working with Sculpture by the Sea over the past several months to draft the license agreement which outlines both Council’s and the event organiser’s responsibilities.

Tonight’s resolution of Council gives the event organiser the assurance it so very much needs.

Council will continue to support the event to the tune of around $150,000 each year including covering the cost of soil remediation, traffic control and grants of around $16,000 including for $5000 for the ‘Tactile Tours’, and the $5000 Mayor's Prize.

Sculpture by the Sea will now enter into final negotiations with Council about the draft license which was subject of some changes.

Council is continuing to build its accessible path in Marks Park, and that project remains unchanged.

- Waverley Mayor, John Wakefield