A message from the Mayor about public gatherings at North Bondi

20 January 2021 | News

Wednesday 20 January

Waverley Council is disappointed that large crowds have been gathering at Biddigal Reserve in North Bondi.

Resources are being stretched to the limit to encourage safe use of our public places and we all need to focus on how we can limit the spread of COVID-19.

NSW Health advises COVID may still be circulating in our community, and large gatherings worsen this risk. We must think carefully about how we gather and celebrate in public places, being mindful of Public Health Orders and the 30 person gathering limit.

Please, let’s also focus on getting tested, wearing masks on public transport and inside shops, practicing good hand hygiene, and let’s continue to do this so that we can return to some sense of normalcy.

We all want to enjoy the summer holidays safely and people must be mindful that something as simple as playing live music in a park like Biddigal Reserve, North Bondi, has the potential to attract crowds, and this poses the risk that restrictions on outdoor gatherings may be breached.

This is not a normal summer as demonstrated by the emergence of clusters in Sydney over Christmas.

Council is investing millions of dollars to help support the community and local business during COVID and our Rangers and beach ambassadors are working hard in tandem with local police, NSW Health and Transport for NSW to ensure people use our public places safely.

- Paula Masselos, Mayor of Waverley


Media inquiries: media@waverley.nsw.gov.au or 0416 075 532