Development application assessment during COVID-19

09 April 2020 | Council News

9 April 2020

It is business as usual for Waverley Council’s development application (DA) team who is continuing to assess and determine applications during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our planning staff are working remotely and are continuing to undertake required site inspections and complete assessments for applications.

We ask that applicants and neighbours who have made submissions to applications be mindful of social distancing requirements outlined by the Government to ensure the safety of all including Council officers.

In other good news, the Waverley Local Planning Panel will hold its first remote Panel meeting this month. The Council is putting in place special operational procedures that will allow for registered speakers to be able to address the Panel and determinations will be posted on Council’s website.

The Customer Service Centre at 55 Spring St is currently closed to the public, however, for all general planning information, please call our Duty Officer on 9083 8484 or email

All applications can be mailed to PO Box 9, Bondi Junction, NSW, 1355 or can be lodged by appointment by calling 9083 8000.

We thank the community for its patience while we continue to assess applications during these challenging times.

For more, visit

For updates on Council’s responses to COVID-19, visit